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How long it takes to get over someone


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How long does it take for you guys to forget about someone, or stop liking them? I'm just curious, because there are these people at my school that like date another person the day right after their breakup, but for me, i take a while to get over it. I'm just wondering, how long does it take to get over someone, just generally? Thank you so much.

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If you're in school it's tougher because people you might not want to see are right in your face everyday.


Too bad there's no pill to take to not feel pain! But you will get over it, it will also take some time and effort. You may feel strong one moment and weak and mad the next.


Sometimes it helps to write that person a letter you never send. Or be creative. Go to your hobby, or learn something new. Immerse yourself and you'll be so busy you won't realize time passing and your wounds healing.


You're young and your emotions will go on many rollercoaster rides as you get older, but you will survive, you will get off the ride a little wobbly, but you'll still be walking!

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It's different with different people and different relationships and how people feel about their partners. I heard the other day about this chemical that is released into your body when you are really attracted to someone (genetic makeup is different - chemical romance and it this chemical makes you forget everything else and just focus on that one person. This chemical stays in your body for about a year.. that is long enough to concieve a child and go through pregnancy. Our primative bodily make up. So, if you really actully deeply like someone it will probably take about a year, but in school it could be alot less and we are all testing relationships out and it's all hit and miss.


does that make sense? lol

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Grief is like a load of bricks you carry with you. All you have to do is put it down and walk away. The heart usually keeps you from being able to do this until it finally stops spinning out of control. Once you reach a state of equanimity, you become clear and it becomes easy to put that load down.



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Depends on how long you were with them and how serious you were and if sex was involved. Took me a really long time. But I'm really emotional and had (unfortunately) deep feelings for this person. It lasted a year, was very very physically based. We ended it. All summer I thought of nothing but him. School started...I still thought of nothing but him. I finally saw him again right before Halloween and realized it just wasn't the same. I still miss him and the way it felt when I was with him and kissed him. It's fading though. I still wonder how I got through all those months of thinking about him and fantasizing about what mgiht have been constantly....but I did somehow and its over now. I'm getting ready to move on. So basically, yeah, its still taking me a long time. Hopefully its almost over. Also depends on how young you are. If you're like fourteen, then lots of people that age get over relationships in like a week.

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It varies, there is no set time.


Generally if you keep thinking about it, and stressing over it, it will take longer. If you supercharge your life with other things and keep yourself busy, it will be sooner rather than later.


Also, a very strong sense of self respect and recognizing the true problems which kept you and the person apart will have a big influence on how quickly you get over it.

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You never fully get over someone, they will always be in your thoughts and in your heart. The most you can hope to accomplish is to not think about them as much, to try to keep yourself occupied, and to eventually meet another person. Even if you don't think about the person, thoughts of them will still pop up now and then. Once someone is in your heart, they are there for life, and possibly beyond.

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depends on the level of crush they had, how much they obsessed etc. It could be really quick if you never really had super strong feelings, but it could be very long time too, if you first obsessed about someone for like 6 months and finally got that person and then became attached and that person left you. That might be hard and take a long time to heal.

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Wow, I just got some info about someone that is making me get over them in MINUTES when three months have passed and I still want him. My ex, has female friends; I know some of them. They're all harmless.


But on his webpage I found a recent & provocative photo of him with two random (but attractive) women.


His female friends and me, are all shocked. One called him a "sl*t" because they disapprove of him being in the photo with these women. He looks like a pervert!


My opinion of my ex just went down dramatically. I'll be over him in no time. This must be the sign I prayed to God for!!

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  • 8 months later...

for me, I can usually like a person for a VERY long time, it's almost like the attraction never disappears, just the effort to get attraction back, stops after a certain time.


So technically you could say I still like every girl I've ever liked lol. ...well..some of them anyway.


Usually, if a girl ends up with another guy, I stop, dead end right there, I lose attraction, I lose hope of being with her, I just stop, no more chasing no more anything, unfortunately it also usually means no more friendship either


If I girl makes it absolutely clear to F off...then I do, I stop right there, right then, no more persueing, which in a way is good, because if they tell me to f off after asking them out, I know that they arent really worth it in the first place..and so I move on.

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