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ugh need some help fast Girl help please

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ok so im 14, and theres this girl wo ive known ever scince childhood, but i just started get to know her this year over online talking ans stuff, other friends have said that she may like me but what is a way that i can definatly find if she likes me for sure. from online or sumthing couse the only time i really get to c her is at a church get together thing...

so any ideas would be great


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I would ask her out on a date. I realize you are young and don't know how easy this would be for you to do, but ask if she would like to go to the mall on a saturday or maybe catch a movie. If she says yes, then she is probably interested. I am trying to think like a 14 year old and I am 22 years older so I don't know how much has changed since my days. Ask her to go to the arcade or something. The point I am making is ask her to do something with you and see how she responds.


Good luck!



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I think too often we worry about what other people think of us. She may like you, she may not. But the real question is, what do you think of her? Do you like her? Do you want to get to know her better?


If so, then just talk to her more. Keep the chats going online, see if she wants to hang out more in person. There aren't definitive ways of knowing unless one of you just comes out and says something about it to the other, much may result in an awkward situation. Flirt with her. Have more personal conversations. Notice her general attitude. Is she messaging you a lot online? Is she really upbeat and cheerful when talking to you? In person does she smile alot? Does she get shy or seem really nervous at times?

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Use lines like these and see how she reacts to each before moving to the next one:


1. I really have fun talking with you.


If you get a good reaction tell her:


2. well maybe we should do it more often (in person, whatever); and


If you get a good reactions, ask when because she probably wants you to ask.

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I very much remember being 14, and what I would have done if I were you would ask one of my friends, to ask one of her friends, to ask her who she likes...or get one of my friends, to ask one of her friends, to ask her if she likes YOU. These things are easily done anonomously...unless of course she does like you, then you can take it from there.

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ok so your 14? .. me 2, people tend to be more free and talkative online, you could ask her to go on a 'date' but dont use the term date... not yet anyway. ask herto meet up in town or at the mall or whatever. if she says yes, then you can get to know her better. If she says no, what have you lost? and you can always ask again.


good luck




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HEY, thanx guys for all the help.


ive found that she may indeed like me, considering she seems excited to seem me taomro at confermation class for church and she said shede be happy to tak around with me before class around the church and im going to show her a lil spot i know of and im goign to try and kiss her even if it is her first kiss, (yes i talked to her directly bout her past relations and such)


so wish me luck

ur pall hutch (o and pumpkin fairy, scince were both 14 we could help eachother otu quite a bit, send me a personal message or sumtin)

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