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Hi. I have been going with my boyfriend for about a year and a half. During the relationship, he breaks up with me over things like looking at other boys. He always accusesme of staring at someone else, bt I love him so much and I always assure him that I am not. He has cheated on me and whenever we go on a break, he will do something with another girl. Once he accepted and invite from a girl he liked to go to prom and another time he made out with a girl in the back of his car. He got caught so I don't know how far it would have went if he did'nt. He always gets mad at me for the smallest things. Once, a friend gave me a friendly hug and he thought it was more and threatned to leave me. Another time, he thought I was trying to show off in front of my friends by playing music too loud when I didnt know it was loud in his ear on the phone. He controlls what I wear and made me take all boy # out of my phone. Whenever he does things or just getts mad for no reason, he will apologize and tell me that he loves me and that he was being an idiot . I always think that if I ever got mad at him or done something he has done to me, he would immediately curse me out. All I have donre to him is give him loveand affection. What does everyone think about this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is what my experience tought me:


1.) if a guy is acting way too jealouse, he is prolly doing something bad himslef ->making out with a girl


2.) he is not gonna change, believe me


3.) you have the choice: either accept the way he is and stay with him, or dump him.


I don"t want to sound rude but what he is doing to you is not ok at all! He can"t flip out over little stuff you do and than make out with another girl.

I would try to have one last serious talk with him. Tell him what"s bothering you. try to stay calm.

And if he still doesnt change I would think bout breaking up with him. I mean, it"s your choice what u do.


PM me if you want to talk.



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