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Tips to Improve ORAL

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Ok.. starting a NEW thread based off something else I read here.. and I wondered.. what are those things that we are doing WRONG...


Ican also tell you that guys complain too. I have talked to many many many guys about this and they all agree that almost all women aren't very good at it. But they tell them they are good since the women get defensive and would not give it to them if they did.


OK.. GUYS.. GAL's.. what is each of us doing wrong. Where can we improve. Just the FACT's people.. no Flames.. lets keep an open mind and take it as Constructive Feedback.

(no pun intended)

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Nah, I disagree.


one guy I used to know put it best. A guy would rather get a bad or just ok BJ than NONE AT ALL. I'm telling you, many women get really defensive when you even go near the subject.


So in the end these women end up thinking they are good when they might not be at all. You'd never know if you are taking a guy you are with's word for it. Or any guy you were ever with pretty much.

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and I wondered.. what are those things that we are doing WRONG...


i'll tell what you're doing wrong, stop thinking/talking and get out there and start SUCKING.


I never gave one, but i've been the recepient of well over 1,000 or so BJ's over the years. lucky me. and i must say, EVERY time my sweetie goes to work I admire her!


#1 - i don't want to feel like she is rushing it. She takes her time. There is a certain buildup, a crescendo that occurs with a good bj, i want to come so badly, but she won't let me, the torture contintues. She alters her technique, using both of her hands, one hand constantly on my balls, scrotum or anus. the other working wherever.


My gal won't swallow, I wish she did, but that is fine with me because otherwise she is so good at her craft. A little dirty talk, not too much, looking me in the eyes, lights on, me laying back enjoying the show. Ah, how good it is sometimes to be a man and have my woman giving me the ULTIMATE pleasure. Thank you sweetie.


Then she takes me to the point just before orgasm, and backs off, not so fast, i want to play with you more and more. Always i enjoy it, and then sometimes she's had enough and she get up and sits on me, and just pounds away at me into euphoric orgasmic oblivion. Then sometimes, i just get a delicious hand job for a change, i like it when she straddles one of my legs and just puts her complete attention to me and my pleasure.


What a lady! I'll keep her and never stray. I'll put up with her moods and deficiencies. Sometimes, she just takes me to a state, where i am in total eurphoria on the edge of orgasm and she just keeps me there and keeps me there, until SHE is ready for me to come.


how's that for a start.

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and don't forget this very important factor. Us men(most anyway) have this constant sex drive that we need to fulfill every 3-4 days one way or another. We can't help it and I for one find masterbation not nearly as fulfilling, although i still do it at times.


Discreetly watch the clock. Give of yourself a simple 20 min.'s. 5 min's warmup no lips, 5 min hand only(she always give me a good dose of hand first), 5 min's bj to get excited and on the edge, another 5 min.'s on the edge, and wallah, time to come. 20 minutes, you are out of there and back to the laundry and EVERYONE is happy, at least him. And you can fend him off for a bit, knowing you did your duty until the next time nature can't be avoided. My gal ain't easy that's for sure, not always anyway, but she knows how to take care of "my business".

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the endgame is very important. when he is coming make sure you are sqeezing every little drop from that little stick. like i said she doesn't swallow, but she makes sure i have every little bit of enjoyment possible while coming, she squeezes the end, rubs my balls. and whatever she is doing like a fine cook knows just the right spices, she squeezes every little bit of semen out of there. now if you were a real good girl, maybe on a very very special occasion, let him squirt you right in the face, that would be every mans dream! but one dream i've never had. and the look in your face as he is coming has to be one of total delight and fascination in the final throws of his orgasm.


on occasion, sit him in a low chair or loveseat, kneel between his legs, make him feel like the king and you are there to only pleasure him today and he can just relax and enjoy the show. this is where some chest can come in handy, maybe just take your shirt and bra off and play some penis pool with your titties. but be happy with what you have, i'm average, and if your small, you're probably thin to boot and that is nice.


another thing and this is something my wife was told by some old timers a few years ago and i never knew, until i've been the lucky recepient of. there is a very sensitive spot right along the crease between thighs and groin, i think that is where the tubes run, rub that gently and rub it while he is coming, that is a secret spot, and believe me it is a sensitive spot that i bet most of you ladies don't know about.


also while your doing him, try rubbing his balls with the lightest friction, very fast, like you are building up this heat in them.


there is an eb and flow in a relationship. my woman doesn't trust our relationship, she thinks i would leave her. but i know it is right because the sex is right. there is an natural ebb and flow to our relationship. i pester her and she fends me off in just the right manner, i keep at it.


i am like a sexual predator in my own house but in a very nice way. i will do the dishwasher, clean the pots, go through the kitchen vacuum her car, etc etc., heh heh heh, she knows it is only an act so i can get what i want, but she respects me for. Maybe she fends me off for a day, but I know the next day that odds are with me.

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of course, get up there and suck those man nipple's! or have one hand on the balls and one hand caressing one of his nipple's. but don't forget, equal time!


one more, here is something different, when you reach that point and you know he is going to come soon, get up from your work, keep one or two hands working down there, then start kissing him to orgasm and screw him silly WITH YOUR TONGUE in his mouth while he is coming, with the tongue action going, kiss him in the most erotic way possible. And while you are doing this he has sat up to greet you and you are up while his hips are on the bed. of course when you are done, you get the pleasure of watching your man fall back in TOTAL satisfaction and relaxation. his eyes are full of wonder and delight.


cuddle, your work is done until next time. you deserve to push him off a bit and make him wait for the next time. and ladies - don't forget - practice makes perfect!!!!!! you are a piano player practing a fine art that has brought many a good man to the knees of your love.

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Wow, Hardcharger... you sound like a very very lucky man. I hope that you return the favor to your lovely wife.


One good turn deserves another. Reciprocity goes a long long way.


You did forget one thing though... some like their "balls" sucked on and licked.


I agree with a previous poster that not all men are put together the same way. What I can do for one man... for some reason I can't do for another. Don't know why. One will turn me on in this way..that I'll like doing it...and another will totally turn me off to it.

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of course a bit of ball sucking/licking is always in order. and then once in a while while sucking nice, jerk him all the way off while sucking the balls. that will definetely get his attention.

i still remembe the first time she did that, 20 yrs ago, we crossed a bridge over a small stream, over the tracks, i laid on a nice bed of pine needles on a sweet, warm summer night. i had some other girlfriends before, but when she went to work me, sucking my balls, i knew she was a keeper.


i tried to get rid of her and find "something better" and i took a "slow" kid in the package, but i think her work convinced me to stay. and IMHO it has been a good marriage, she doesn't alway think so, but that would be another thread.


god bless you dutifull women who understand a mans sex drive and are not afraid to give of yourself 30-40 minutes a week!!!! go grab your man now!!


AND - she does not let me to lick her. she is revolted by it. a month or so ago i even bought a few books(box lunch is awesome!) and kinda have been forcing the issue, but not too hard, but she is no way interested. but those book have helped me to take better care of her manually.


in fact i may add, there is nothing better than getting head after she has just had an orgasm. those lips get so wet and so slutty and so willing to please....i know i am going to for sure get it good.

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i tried to get rid of her and find "something better" and i took a "slow" kid in the package, but i think her work convinced me to stay. and IMHO it has been a good marriage, she doesn't alway think so, though, and she threatened again to leave today, but that is another thread and how it goes.
HMMM I Wonder why.. you'll have to start a thread.


god bless you dutifull women who understand a mans sex drive and are not afraid to give of yourself 30-40 minutes a week!!!!
there is nothing dutiful about it... I wish you'd have chosen a different word here.. it makes you sound so Patriarchial...
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god bless you dutifull women who understand a mans sex drive and are not afraid to give of yourself 30-40 minutes a week!!!!

there is nothing dutiful about it... I wish you'd have chosen a different word here.. it makes you sound so Patriarchial...



That was hillarious.

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>But no one should pester for oral


i never pester for oral, never really ask for it, it is just part of what we do. Please don't think i'm some controlling, demeaning man. It's not like i'm the king is in his chair every week, i certainly don't get the treatment described above "on demand". but oral is part of the "normal" deal frequently, not always, and every so often i get the "kings" treatment.


my sex drive is higher than my wifes and she would rather move things along than take the time for "her" everytime. but we get to that often enough. she doesn't need an orgasm 2.5x/wk, I do.


re: "the pesterer" - i would think that is quite typical in a relationship, most men need sex more than woman and someone got to get things going. And pester is a nice thing, like a quick hug while she is working in the kitchen, with just the hint of a sexual touch...that's the kind of pester i mean.


i wish we made love every day at the end of the day to celebrate our marriage. but that is one fantasy that won't come true, i'm satisfied with 2-3x/wk. at 47 my sex urge has not really decreased whatsoever(i'm fit), i heard it starts going for real >55.

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Intimacy.. celebrate your marriage with Intimacy.


The hugs, kisses, looks, touches, endearments. Thats what I would call being intimate, not necessarily pestering.


I think the only problem that I have with being intimate is that there is an understanding that INTIMACY doesn't always end up with "Making Love", "SEX", "GETTING IT ON", "PLAYING HOUSE".


There is nothing that ANNOY's me more or is my biggest beef is that... when I get "PESTERED".... I know its on. Or the reason I am getting those initmate gestures is because its on. And I think most women would agree with me... we enjoy the INTIMACY.. for INTIMACY sake.. not just because "ITS ON"... maybe I'm not explaining this correctly.. but when the only time you get hugs, kisses, nuzzles and looks is when the guy is "ON"... its a turn off. So then... you get conditioned to everytime he hugs, kisses, nuzzles...you say no. Does that make sense????


I think I started this thread.. because I read that some people will say that the ORAL is good.. when infact, she maybe doing it all wrong. OR not the right way.


I think this goes both ways. And communication is key. For instance... if there is something you don't like, you should find a way to just come out and say it. And if there is something that she/he is not doing.. same thing.


IE..back off on the pressure on the clit.. do not use your teeth there.. its sensitive. Do NOT roll it around your teeth.. ouchie especially at first..when the fire starts rolling maybe but at the beginning too many nerve endings here are going WWWHHHHAAAAAA at the same time.


Thats what I meant by "positive feedback"....


And.. I guess being the eternal student.. I'm always looking to learn. thats why I started this thread.


HARDCHARGER: Has your wife ever said why she doesn't like it... specifically what about it she doesn't like?


And at 47... Good for you!!! lol. Yes its nice to be KING for the day. And from my perspective.. Queen for the day.

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I didn't like my ex performing oral on me! In the beginning he wanted to...and I let him...He really pleased me and left me panting and just exhausted!!


But for some reason..after while, I did not enjoy it anymore...it was freaky... I had to tell him...But I made it up to him by sucking his *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED*!!



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Ummm my tip for other guys... is try spreading the folds with ur two pointer fingers and locating the clit and almost like trap it if u will with ur fingers... then you can do w/e... Try to remember not to switch it up to much.


As for what girls do wrong? Well I've only received anything sexual from one person and thats my current girlfriend... Maybe im crazy, but I can't feel that much from recieving oral sex... I enjoy it, it just takes me about 30 minutes to achieve my goal .

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>There is nothing that ANNOY's me more or is my biggest beef is that... when I get "PESTERED"

tough luck for your man, sound like he is the same boat as most


>.... I know its on.

in this household "it's" alway on, just a matter of how much!


>we enjoy the INTIMACY.. for INTIMACY sake..

great, take your clothes off and we'd get intimate


>... you get conditioned to everytime he hugs, kisses, nuzzles...you say no. Does that make sense????

oh, yes, makes alot of sense, it is called blue balls and "rejection", go to the bathroom man, by yourself. that is what most poor bokes go through

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Because most 'poor blokes' have no consideration into how the woman feels.


For intimacy's sake was meant to mean - not just because you are horny.

How come women rarely pester for sex?

They have the same urges - but feel no need to tell their partner how much, all of a sudden, they are into them.

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hmmmm...interesting thread...here's what my guy and I do...relating to oral....


If we have sex without oral first....when we are done with traditional sex - he pulls out of me and knows not to come on my stomach - he comes in my mouth - I guess that covers the oral (at the end) and yes I will swallow - in fact, I prefer to. I think it's hot. But that's just me - I would never not swallow - I think it's in poor taste not to finish and I actually enjoy it.


If we have oral prior to regular sex we still finish as per above.


As far as frequency of sex - as our relationship sits TODAY - I would like to have sex twice a day. I am so turned on by the guy I'm with - I feel like we're done before foreplay even ends....he is amazing and I can't even think of him without anticipating sex with him....BUT that comes with a high high level of attraction.....did I mention extremely high sense of attraction....I would be bothered if he didn't want sex.....

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Darkblue I am very sorry to break all this "news" to you, about how ~many guys are wired. what you do with this info is up to you.


>How come women rarely pester for sex? ....They have the same urges

because they are wired different. NO, most do not have the same urges.


it is total bull how woman reach their sexual prime in the late 30's, blah blah blah. funny how someone lies and it is passed around until it becomes known as truth. And I don't blame women, most take care of kids all day or after a hard day of work, and don't need more bodies pressing on them. But that is how it goes.


I am not some sexual dominating guy, and I'm revolted by a few posts by woman who unknowingly married some guy who MAKES them have sex constantly. I am not like that. i think it is quite normal to have sex 2-3x/wk. isn't that just average? (no, probably another lie that is passed around, i'm talking after 30, sure most couples go at it alot in their 20's)


now yesterday, my wife was mean and nasty to me, as usual. today i hug her and try to be close to her. hopefully soon enough we will "unite" and forget about our troubles for a day or two. Thank you god for giving us such a good way to make up!!!! it's built into the system.


and what is intimate to me, sitting on the couch, watching TV for an hour, holding, cuddling, making her tea, and yep, let's go to bed, 20 min's of that, cuddling and holding and love. or she could just reject my needs and frustrate me and make me do what i don't want to. make me feel less than a man. put me on edge, mmmm "that" walking bye looks nice. more flurting, BELIEVE me, over the years it builds up. i want to stay married, and there is no where else on this planet earth that I can get sex except from me wife. (at least not morally-and I don't want to be immoral, do I)


my wife's sexual needs are not nearly like mine. but she totally understands my needs and that is what love it, giving of yourself, not just when YOU want to or it is convenient to how YOU are feeling at the moment. She knows the bottom line. She knows the easy way and goes with the flow.

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morals are ABSOLUTELY not a personal opinion in this case. when you marry and make and honest committment to each other, that is called a moral. all societies accross the world have set up marriage in this way because it is the best for society and best for the kids that we raise. it is best if we get our sex at home and stay married to each other so our children can be raised in a stable environment. if you are just dating, do what you want.


not that I'm Mr. Morals. now if i didn't get my sex, i think i would find a girlfriend, no way i'm living my life as a eunich! Thank god i never have had to, or i would be immoral.

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