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Oh why am I stil thinking about him? He hurt me!!!

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Earlier in the month I told you all about an email I read that was sent between my ex boyfriend and his best friend (please see below link).


Since this day we have had no contact what so ever. I'm totally gutted. All I can think of is him. Every moment of the day I don't go out in the evenings now and don't go shopping because I am so scared of bumping into him. What if I see him holding hands with his new girlfriend. I'll be heart broken. I've put up with so much recently, I don't know how much more I can take. I love him and miss him more than I could ever say. I know he's not thinking about me and that he's getting on with his life, so why can't I? Please help me!

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Hey I think you have to try and look at things realistically. You need to use the e-mail he sent his mate as a catalyst for you moving on and forgetting about him. No-one deserves to be treated in such an uncaring and unloving manner. He's shown what he's really like - why do you think you still would take him back? #-o


I know it's not easy after you get treated badly and I also know it takes TIME to get over things but don't sell yourself short. Go back and read everyone's earlier posts to you and be strong.

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Yep, I agree---You deserve waaaay better than this guy. Let him play games somewhere else. Respect yourself more than that.


He was probably nice during some parts of the relationship, and it's hard to rationalize in your mind what a d*ck this guy is. I would definitely seek outside help if you are having trouble with taking face value when a guy is being abusive (even if it is through words in an email to a friend). He sounds like a misogynist (a guy who disrespects women) while still trying to form relationships with them. He thinks it's funny and it's something he probably learned from his father's (or another man's) behavior to his mother. He gets away with it because a lot of girls dont find this behavior unacceptable anymore like they should (and they continue giving him chances).


Honestly, I wouldn't give this guy two more seconds of my time.

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A lot of my input comes from dealing with these type of guys! I dated a guy like this myself, and him and his friends acted like this toward women. No respect at all, and they joked about their sex lives and the women they used all the time. You just gotta realize you dont want to be one of those girls, and walk away, no matter how cute he is or how nice he was sometimes.

You handled yourself with great constraint; Honestly, if it was me, I would've told him about what I read and that he should go screw himself and walk away for good. That way he will realize his poor behavior just lost him the best thing that ever happened to him.

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