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I had a bit of an epiphany last night which I feel mad me decide to change my approach to women/relationships/that sort of thing. I realized that perhaps there was some serious truth and power in what my female friend told me about letting women come to me and just letting things happen. Of course, I'm glad I've gotten comfortable with asking girls for coffee and all that but I think it might behoove me to try another way for a while. I had avoided trying this "waiting" thing before because I thought that's what I had been doing my whole life. But I hadn't. I need to try a kind of relaxed waiting where I put myself out there and see what bites. The only that worries me is I don't wan't choosing this approach to mean my giving in and giving up on dating. I don't wan't to pass something up by not asking girl I'm interested in for coffee the second or third time I see them but instead not taking any actions at all, waiting to see if they physically emote interest in me.


I know this may sound a bit garbled but does anybody understand what I'm trying to sort out in my head?

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Makes sense to me...you are going to live for you, but not miss opportunities when they seem to be positive opportunity - ie interest is shown from their side too.


Generally, that is what works best, because either way, you are living your life for you and enjoying to best you can.

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In a way, yes. I have gone on "coffe/get to know you better/date" type things with two different girls.

I think my situation is that I'm looking for something different in a relationship than most of my peers. I'm definitely not looking for some short fling or something that is based on or depends on sex. I'm looking for someone to hold, go walking with, that kind of thing.

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