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x is confusing me!!!!

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Hi everybody happy thanksgiving. Well i have posted here about my x breaking up with me 2 months ago we were together for 9 years she moved out 2 days after she broke up with me i have handled the whole breakup quite well i must say I did not beg all i asked was are u sure? and let it go. Well Yesterday morning she picked up "our" dog to take it with her to her sister's house in virginia were we have spent our last 9 years together for the holidays.

When she got here in the morning she asked me two times why was i not ready to go with her? I told her no that i had many things to do this weekend. So she left 6 hours later she calls saying she was upset i said about what? so she said how come she did not get a thanksgiving gift because i sent a little something for her sister which is my best friend.

So she said she was upset and jealous i told her that it was a thanks for her sister always being there for me she knows we are very close she is like a sister to me but my x made sure she told me she was upset i told her let it go. what do u think she is acting this way? thanks for the responses

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Best thing for you to do is close that chapter of your life. She's seeing other people so no going back. You would never trust her again Best thing to do is No Contact and stop being friends with her family.


But I suspect you might not be strong enough to do that at this point. In that case tell her how you really feel. How you want to get back together and all that. Don't hold anything back. It won't bring her back to you, but the rejection will push you to the point of wanting No Contact. Then you will be able to get over her for real. Doing what you're doing is just preventing you from getting over her for real.

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