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Wow - I couldn't imagine being in a relationship watching for SIGNS to see if they're going to break up with me...that would just ruin it for me. Anyway, if they're showing signs, like they don't want to see you, don't call you, break routine things, become distant, whatever...don't watch for it - don't even worry about it...cause you will know something is wrong when it happens.

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For me, there were a few signs that were pretty glaring in retrospect. The most noticeable was the reduced physical contact. I literally did everything physical to her (kissing, massaging, hugs, etc). Also, before I drove up to visit her, I noticed she wasn't calling me anymore. She was always too tired to talk up until the point where we hadn't talked on the phone for 4 days.


If you do see these signs, I really think you should just talk about it. Like hawk said, open honest communication is the best solution. These "signs" are simply a manifestation of emotional detachment (or someone in the process of).


I believe that open communication and commitment can fix almost anything in a relationship. My ex did not. ;-)


Take care

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Wanting to do stuff without you and with others is a pretty good sign, but as others have said the whole reduced physical contact thing - wether it's sexual or just contact is a pretty good one - my ex described it as feeling like I had become her "big brother".

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