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Poem for someone


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Hi Guys, i've liked this girl for a while and i wrote a poem over a 2 week period...and i want to know what it sounds like...we don't know each other much:


Whether a sunny morning or a rainy afternoon revealed your identity to me or I was awestruck by my mind playing tricks on me

But you were no illusion, instead a symbol of elegance and charm, a bright angle lighting up my heart ever since

The thought of you pilots me into the world of affection and yearning, but it still suspends me in the air as I await the perfect landing

You enchant the sun of the day and the moon of the night which are your everlasting spotlights

Your beautiful glance and your eye-catching stance leave a chilly trace of a mind-blowing feeling pumping through my blood

You attain a talent, a talent of seduction, a talent which I am an eternal victim of.

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Cute. I think she would like it.... but first you should talk to her and get to know her better. It might be odd for her to know that someone she doesn't really know is writing her poems like that. Get to know her, and then if you get close enough to share that kind of stuff, show her.

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she was quick and cold


''thank you for the poem, it was very well written but I don't like you, (I'm sorry if you're hurt)''



people tell me to just ask girls out but I can't do that....I really cared for her....I haven't cared for a girl the same way I cared for her, she was my sunshine, but now it's like an eclipse, an eternal one, like she's covered by a veil, forever.......

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Well my friend, you are getting off to a good start. You are passionate and real and some woman out there will definitely appreciate that. I wrote about 50 poems for my ex over a period of time and I made it into a book and gave it to her on Valentines day two years ago. It felt really good. Since then, she is my ex and I have decided to move on. You will find that there are so many different people out there. Some have been hurt and can't give their hearts or appreciate what you did, but others are just waiting to find it. I miss my ex, but also know there are plenty of other women out there. It is just timing, chemistry, state of mind. Good luck.

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VEN, she doesn't know what she is missing. She could have been a little nicer as well. Don't give up, you'll find someone who appreciates the beautiful heart you have. And she will be better then this girl, as hard as it may be to see that now. Don't lose hope.

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