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Everything posted by VEN

  1. Hi, thank you....today, when I saw that so and so girl with guy she likes my heart just sank and i realized that its not her or the other girl....its her or nothing....
  2. Hello. Well this was a good year for me considering I was focused on my schoolwork and not thinking about someone cough cough. But a few weeks ago I noticed this girl. She is in grade 9 and I am in grade 10. I'm sure that's not an issue. Not at all. But here is the thing. I THINK I like her. She's pretty and seems like the type I enjoy being with: hyper and quiet at the same time. A few times I was skeptic about her because I saw her hanging out with girls who I don't like because they can be a bad influence. But lately I realized that was only a one time thing, maybe 2 or 3 time but let's get to the point. My friend (in grade 10) just started going out with a girl from grade 9 (they met very interestingly but thats another story). So one day I just started talking to them about this girl. I did not know her name or anything so I asked my friend's girlfriend. She said her name is so and so but some call her so and so. Pretty name it is. My friend's girlfriend then mentioned that this girl is hard to get to know and she is hard to talk to and it will take me a while to get "through" to her. Supposedly she can also be not nice but I can't be the judge of that. My friend and his girlfriend now keep on saying that I should go for this other girl in grade 9 who seems to suit me more and is also their friend. She's into tech stuff as am I. I've been pondering about this for a while but I just can't seem to come to a conclusion. I do not just pick girls to like. This feeling sort of comes to me...otherwise I would be liking every other girl in the school but somehow it is only this one girl. I am by no means desperate, just really confused. My friend says the girl I think I like is out of my league but I don't believe in that. He also said that she likes someone else in my grade who probably does have a bettet chance than me but he's one of those guys who...well nevermind I won't judge him. So I don't know what to do. Whenever I see this girl it's like "wee" and I really don't feel anything for the girl my 2 friends want me to meet. This so and so girl's eyes and my eyes met at a recent rugby game which is when I got a thing for her. What do you think I should do? I see my choices as: 1) Meet the other girl 2) Talk to the so and so girl (call her name in the hall, walk up, introduce myself...then what ?) 3) Not do anything about it and keep on noticing her in the halls. I know that I will regret it but to tell the truth, and this may sound awkward, I'm a bit afraid and like, emotional? when it comes to a girl I like. I cannot really explain. Help is always appreciated. Thank You
  3. she was quick and cold ''thank you for the poem, it was very well written but I don't like you, (I'm sorry if you're hurt)'' people tell me to just ask girls out but I can't do that....I really cared for her....I haven't cared for a girl the same way I cared for her, she was my sunshine, but now it's like an eclipse, an eternal one, like she's covered by a veil, forever.......
  4. Thanks, i really feel for her maybe that's why, i know its not the best but the thing is, i really feel that way, and no matter what the peole in my school say, i'll give it to her
  5. yeah, we talked several times, once kinda personal...and i gave her something for christmas..and she knows how i feel, thanks for the comment
  6. Hi Guys, i've liked this girl for a while and i wrote a poem over a 2 week period...and i want to know what it sounds like...we don't know each other much: Whether a sunny morning or a rainy afternoon revealed your identity to me or I was awestruck by my mind playing tricks on me But you were no illusion, instead a symbol of elegance and charm, a bright angle lighting up my heart ever since The thought of you pilots me into the world of affection and yearning, but it still suspends me in the air as I await the perfect landing You enchant the sun of the day and the moon of the night which are your everlasting spotlights Your beautiful glance and your eye-catching stance leave a chilly trace of a mind-blowing feeling pumping through my blood You attain a talent, a talent of seduction, a talent which I am an eternal victim of.
  7. VEN

    what to do

    before i say anything else sorry for my grammar im on my pda its hard t o type now, how does this convo sound coming from me to her on msn, dont mind all the lol and lmao, i wonder if i should start this convo with her "Hello, how u doing today.... like mac so far? Mind if I help u...if u need any help with school, I heard evan is showing u and joe around the first day lol, I think one person is enough lol, but yeah, lol, just holler...I don't mind missing a bit of gr.11 marketing period 3 lmao Mind if I ask u something..just a personal question, I know its ok to be weird but do u find me overly weird, or like retarted, or too...open....? Be honest cause evan and I had this convo and I guess I took it a bit serious/personal " in this convo this same friend evan said that its not like she and i are gonna go out but i think he only believes in "instant love" and i thought he meant it has something to do with me
  8. VEN

    what to do

    you guys Can see on the sixth page of "please her yo tease her" thread how i met this girl. she is in gr nine and im in ten, school starts on sept sixth...my friend wants to walk with his two friends and this girl to school to show em around...i said ill come to but he was like naw we'll see each other in school, so i got mad and was like wth is wrong with him cause i havent talked to this girl in person before and i wanna meet her, plus we have different lunch periods,..should i still come with them on first day of school
  9. yeah teasing on aim isnt great because she wont understand your intentions or tone for example: i like this girl, first time i saw her i was like wow. so anyways we are talking on msn and she asks me if i want to see her maiden bun lol, at that time i didnt know what it was so i said ok...so she showed me her hair lol, talked for a bit and said gtg. later in the week i said "i miss ur bum wannA show it againx?" she didnt really get the 'joke' but maybe its for the best, so she showed me her hair again but in different style and said she was ugly and had no make-up on but i said she looks pretty anyways, then she kept on repeating that she has ugly and had no make-up on and i thought that was funny so i said "you turn me on har har" she didnt like that but couldnt stay mad at me. she just couldn't enterpret my tone of voice or face expression. p.s. just replying to first several posts
  10. yeah teasing on aim isnt great because she wont understand your intentions or tone for example: i like this girl, first time i saw her i was like wow. so anyways we are talking on msn and she asks me if i want to see her maiden bun lol, at that time i didnt know what it was so i said ok...so she showed me her hair lol, talked for a bit and said gtg. later in the week i said "i miss ur bum wannA show it againx?" she didnt really get the 'joke' but maybe its for the best, so she showed me her hair again but in different style and said she was ugly and had no make-up on but i said she looks pretty anyways, then she kept on repeating that she has ugly and had no make-up on and i thought that was funny so i said "you turn me on har har" she didnt like that but couldnt stay mad at me. she just couldn't enterpret my tone of voice or face expression. p.s. just replying to first several posts
  11. Oh yeh...my fetish or dream is a shelby mustang gt500
  12. im just like sonic101, i wear glasses, farhenheit cologne (sometimes swiss army or axe) and i got a pretty muscular back..i swim...im 15 though....i'll shut up too...i don't like to brag.... i like shy girls with hair straight down...medium long, brown or "dirty blonde"....i like girls' wastes
  13. i snapped Because a. they were laughing about that they are done and im still on my 4th warm up lap b. cause the gay people are the ones who have pretty much the power..they wont even feel guilty if the hurt someone's feelings...and i got pissed cause i was tired of all that crap....should i write her an e-mail saying that i still want her to tell e whats wrong about me cause she can't hurt anymore than she already did or because i can handle it etc.? by the way my hands kill so i guess ill ask my mom to call me in sick i feel more pain than i did an hour ago (doc said ill be fine) but i've felt worse (serious go kart accident.) my parents know nothing about this...i said i slipped on ice and fell on my hands i can't type no more....
  14. i asked her again what is wrong about me just for future reference and she said "look i dont think u want me 2 answer that question because then i'm already bein more mean than i already have been 2 u. -sarah"
  15. well...worst day of my life kinda...i quit the swim team...for 2 reasons: remember the coky guy who i talked about. He's also on the team. So is Sarah. well today the coky dude started telling everyone at swimming how Sarah "turned me down" and then everyobdy started looking at me....so i got kinda angry and went into the changeroom and got under a shower....the all of a sudden all that anger burst out and i snapped and started to punch the liquid soap dispenser until it burst into little pieces cutting my hands pretty bad (i have never ever have gotten this angry before...im not usually like this...by the way soap and wounds don't mix) I sat down and my eyes started to tear (by the way the second reason i quit is cause im not a very good swimmer and i alsways get last place) Then i remembered i forgot my swim cap at the pool so i went out with blood dripping from my hands..i went up and picked it up and was gonna leave but for some reason everybody stopped swimming and looked at me and one girl said "What happenned Vova?" this were my exact words "Sarah was the best thing that ever happenned to me and it all turned into a nightmare...that's what happened" (i said infront of sarah and every1 who was there)...I left and headed for the "first aid" room...got my hands patched up and left home......by the way i was typing this for a long time lol
  16. yes...but the problem is that we have lotsa things in common
  17. i already asked her in the first email and she said we don't have many things in common...so i said...can we just be friends and she said...i don't think so, like i said we have little in common...so i said...oh nevermind...
  18. Today would have been a normal school day but then I noticed that whenever i was near her (i was hanging out with my "druggy " friends) she would come up to her friends and whisper something in their ear...and then when she walked away they would look at me....and then...in music...my friend and i were discussing whether i really look like finch, and then i looked around an my eyes caught her looking at me and smiling...so i was like...yeah......and then again...as i passed by her friends they would look at me...I just passed by...
  19. lol...i'll just ignore those people...I know for sure I'm not a 1
  20. is there like some part on this forum or some site where you can post your picture and write down your characteristics so people (in my case girls) can rate you from one to ten or something like that...i just wanna see wut they think
  21. thats the point...she isnt the hottest girl...the are hotter girls...thats wh im the only one who likes out of like 200 guys...yes...i still have feeling fot her but not as much....
  22. true...nerds will rule..im not a nerd..just smart i guess...dont wanna brag.... ill brag after i get good on my exams lol
  23. oh yeah...by the way...she looks kinda like Jennifer Aniston and people say that i sometimes look like Finch from American Pie (i might look like him but i have a different personality though lol....and the funny thing is that people who say that are like on tylenol 3
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