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How to bond with fiancee

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Aloha all,

I am taking a trip for T-giving with my fiancee of a month. We talked about wanting to really bond on this trip. Since we've been engaged it seems as tho there has been a lot of conflict and disconnect. Not sure why? The chase is over? I don't know? Could anyone offer some advice as to what things we could do to bond. Creative adventures or conversations? Just thought I would throw it out to the masses for ideas. Thank you for your response. We leave tomorrow morn. I am packing as I type. Please respond quickly!!!! Merci....flowergirl

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just spend as much time together, and dont get irritated, or defensive. Just spending time together, chatting, walking, talking etc should be enough bonding. Try to spend as little as possible time alone, but do give each other some space to also enjoy a quiet sit, drink, walk, good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How long have u been together? The true honeymoon period only usually lasts about 6 months and then when u become engaged it is rekindled for maybe a month and then when married again it is trigged for a period of time. Just remember, any good relationship takes a hell of alot of work after any of these honeymoon periods are over, good strong realtionships last, bad ones just take a little bit more to realise it's not right.

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