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how do i know if he likes me?


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so strange.....how do i know if the guy i like likes me? ive been seeing him mabe once a week. he doesnt call unless we have plans. doesnt email.


this is in contrast to how i see some ppl on here say they see their date everyday or he calls everyday or something. well, i think that is a bit too much.....but shouldnt it be more?


what does taking it slow mean?


how do i know if things are normal?


i wonder if he'll call or want to see me anymore.

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I think he probably isn't calling more often because he's trying not to sound clingy or press you in. It can be very tough to know how another person feels at the initial stage, guy or girl. I think th ebiggest problem is that people in general arent forthcoming enough with their feelings. I think people play shadow games too often instead of being direct.

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so strange.....how do i know if the guy i like likes me? ive been seeing him mabe once a week. he doesnt call unless we have plans. doesnt email.


Well, I just started dating the "old guy" that you might have seen me talk about. For about the first three weeks, he only called me when he wanted to get together. Now, he has started to call me more often, to see how I am doing, how my day is going, etc. I don't normally call him, but every once in a while I'll send him a quick txt message to wish him a good day, just to let him know I am thinking about him.


I think in the beginning of any new dating relationship, the phone should really only be utilized for setting up dates. All talk should be saved for discussions you have while you are on your date, which is a fantastic way to get to know someone new!


this is in contrast to how i see some ppl on here say they see their date everyday or he calls everyday or something. well, i think that is a bit too much.....but shouldnt it be more?


It really depends on the situation, the length of the relationship and what two people are comfortable with. I find that, the guys that call consistently in the beginning are usually the "players". They are the ones that are trying to "woo" me quickly to get me into bed. Hence, the constant calling and chasing me. If this is the older man you were dating, I would say that this early in the relationship, calling merely to set up dates, or on the day of the date, is acceptible.



what does taking it slow mean?


Well, taking it slow means that you let the relationship progress naturally on its own without too much pressure from either person. In this situation, you must allow for a mellow pace (i.e. don't call too much, don't get physical too soon, etc.). For instance, I started dating my "old guy" 4 weeks ago. The first week we saw eachother 1 time, the second week we saw eachother 1 time and there were no phone calls. The third week we saw eachother 3 times (hefty week) and the only time we talked on the phone was to arrange the dates. The fourth week we saw eachother 2 times, and we started chatting on the phone more regularly.


I have not had sex with him yet and we have only done some mild kissing, we have not made out. I would have to say that our relationship is progressing pretty slowly right now and we're both really enjoying the pace. It is allowing us ample time to get to know eachother, while still having some element of intimacy, but not too much intimacy that it starts to confuse things.


how do i know if things are normal?


I would honestly say that there is no definition of a "normal" relationship because "normal" just doesn't really exist. However, if you feel good in this relationship, if he treats you with respect, that it is probably going pretty well. The key to remember is that you want a man to RESPECT you and your feelings.


i wonder if he'll call or want to see me anymore.


Teacup....we've had discussions about this. You really need to chill out when it comes to insecurity and axiety. Try mediating or maybe even positive visualization. Your axiety is going to be the death of you and you deserve to be happy and have a fulfilled life. That being said, you must find something that will help you feel more confident when it comes to dating. Read some books, surf the web, find something that takes your mind off of these kinds of questions. You must realize that if you remain confident and positive, good things will come to you! Even if this guy doesn't call or want to see you, it is not a big deal! That just means it was simply not meant to be and you must move on to the next one.


All my best to you.

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