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I saw my ex-boyfriend a couple times, while he was with his current girlfriend. We slept together twice. Since he was the only sex partner I had at that time, I assumed he got me pregnant when I missed my period twice. Turns out im not pregnant. But his girl friend is, this made me jelious (because I like him, and I had an abortion in the past I still feel bad about , i always wanted to be the one to have his child.) plus we just started talking again. I lashed out and 2 wayed him on his nextel while he was with his girlfriend ( thinking i was pregnant too) I used my friends phone with his number on it because he didnt give me his number because he didnt want me to call when hes with his girlfriend. Anyway I 2 wayed him with his girl friend right there I said who I was then said i really need to talk to you. He said dont ever call my phone again or ill call the police. Five minutes later he said "what do u want?" I said i think i am preganant, he said no way, your lying dont call my phone again" then he hung up on me. The next morning i got a voicemail from him i missed 2 calls he said not so nice things and he said he was never gonna talk to me again, and dont call his phone cause hes changing his number, and he said you only called just to talk to me he will never ever call me again blah blah blah I ended up crying all day because finally I was back in touch with him and I messed it all up, I actually couldnt believe i had the guts to do it, all i wanted was to be friends with him. I would never have jeperdized anything between us, this was something i still dont understand why I did it.I was soooo mad at myself. The fact that he said he would never call me ever again, breaks my heart after all the work I was putting in to our friendship. If its ment to be it will be, but what do i say when he calls, should i be mean and say i dont want to talk to you after that voice mail you left (which was a month ago) or should I explain how i lashed out, I dont want to come off as the jelious ex girlfriend to him I want to reconcile with him and be friends... I dont know what to do really what do you think I should say when he calls to make this all better...

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I really think you need to let this guy go.


How was he really being your friend if he was sleeping with you while he was with a girlfriend - a pregnant girlfriend at that - that's not a friendship. He was using you, and trying to have his cake and eat it too.


Why be friends with someone whom treats you, and his gf that way...I am imagining you want more then friendship, but really do you want to be a with a guy whom cheats on his partner, the partner carrying his child?


He's also cruel towards you, and seems to not value your 'friendship' at all.


You are lucky you are NOT having this guy's baby, you might not know it now, but you do NOT want to be tied to this guy for the rest of that childs life. He's scum.

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