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When is it time to just deal and try and be friends.

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Alright, it's been 6 months since my ex and I broke up. It's been 2 months of basically no contact, he is with someone else and we work in the same place and ignore each other. I blocked him from my msn but now I wonder if I shouldn't try to be his friend. I mean I won't call him or send him e-mails or anything but should I unblock him from my msn? I don't think I could deal with being his close friend knowing he's with her but I don't want to lose him as a friend in the future. PLEASE HELP!

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If you feel you could not handle a friendship with him as it is (him with someone else), it's probably best to leave things as is for now.


Unless you are really over him and can deal with the fact that he is with someone else and are prepared to possibly hear about it (after all, friends do talk about their sig. others from time to time), I don't see the point other than to continue to hurt yourself more.


What would YOU get out of being his friend still? Do you still want him back?

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