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So it was just a dream?

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Hey Guys,


I'm really confused today, as some of you know my daddy has terminal cancer.


Today was his first check up after his first 18 weeks of cemo. He got a very positive result, the cnacer has more than halved, however it will never be able to go completely.

I know i should be really really pleased by these results and also by his good health currently and the fact he's not suffering, I know this is more than a lot of cancer suffers can wish for. However last week i had a visit in my sleep from my grandad whom i have never met ( he passed away before i was born) He tld me that the doctors had been wrong and that my daddys cancer was going to be cured.

Now I know to some people that last statement makes me sound like a wack job! but since i was a little girl, i've had ppl who have passed away come and talk to me in my sleep, advise me and offer me support in my life, i don't openly discuss this with my friends and family as i'm afraid of how they'll react, either think i'm mad or be hurt or think i'm lying, i'm not sure.

Anyways, I truly believed my grandad as everything i've ever been told in these "dreams" before has proved to be right....so what i'm asking is are they just dreams? not messages from god or my loved ones, i truly believed for all my life, these people were really with me helping me, watching over me.....but if thats the case how can they be wrong...does this mean when my daddy dies he won't visit me, i'll just make it up in dreams.

I'm really scared and confused...i know this will sound very odd...but maybe some1 on here has had similar happen?

Sugar XxXxX

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First, sorry to ehar bout your father.


Second, yikes. What you are talking about is you having experiences that just are not normal. Some people claim to be clairvoyant, some people claim to be able to contact spirits, etc. I am not going to the guy who calls them liars. I cannot prove some to be either true or untrue, some things you need to either just accept or not.


In your case, I would be inclined to accept these things as true, because of your past experiences. No one can prove you that you are just having dreams of your own creation, and the track record you have seems pretty good. I don't think I could question it.


Finally, despite what medical science says, miracles do happen.

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Hope was my coping tool as my father lost the battle with cancer. Anything else was unthinkable.

I also have vivid dreams during emotional passages in my life.

It's important to base your decisions and beliefs on something solid, such as the doctor's diagnosis.


Your father is lucky to have such a caring child.

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Finally, despite what medical science says, miracles do happen.


Actually, medical science supports that assertion, except we call them spontaneous remission instead of miracles. Don't get your hopes up, though: based on documented cases, your chances of winning the lottery are notably better. And that's if you don't actually play the lottery but happen to find a ticket in the street.


Do a Google search on it; there has been some research going on recently (spontaneous remission is somewhat of a fascination of mine)...


Good luck to your dad and all of your family.

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Actually, medical science supports that assertion, except we call them spontaneous remission instead of miracles. Don't get your hopes up, though: based on documented cases, your chances of winning the lottery are notably better. And that's if you don't actually play the lottery but happen to find a ticket in the street.


Do a Google search on it; there has been some research going on recently (spontaneous remission is somewhat of a fascination of mine)...


Good luck to your dad and all of your family.


I think medical science would and probably is seeking a scientific explanantion for "spontaneuos remission." One cannot explain a miracle through scientific means.

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my dad had cancer just this summer. my mom and my sister both had serious issues as they coped with it. i had an a feeling, the entire time, that nothing was truelly wrong. i kept optomistic and stayed that way, and now hes in remission!! i always remember this study that was done. they took a glass of freezing ice and put in into a bland room, without people or music or colors. just a bland room. then they took another glass of freezing ice and put it into a room with classical music, happy people and a generally pleased ambiance. the ice crystals in the bland room grew in odd ways but the crystals in the happy room made shapes and patterns.

your dreams may be the real deal. your dad may get better! always think positivly but dont deny what may happen. opptimism, i think, really does help!!

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First, I hope your father does get better and that you are alright in this difficult time. I'll be thinking of both of you.


Dreams take our subconscious feelings and manifest them in odd ways. Many times they take our fears and we get nightmares. You luckily get good and reassuring dreams. This may be your bodies way of coping and giving you hope in a rough period.


I also think that some people are very sensitive and keenly aware of what is going on with others, have a very special way of linking with them. You could be one of those people, being able to sense things that others don't see.


To me, miracles are another name for what can't be explained at this point in time. There could be some scientific explanation, or it could be that the strength of the human spirit is greater then we give it credit for. Whatever the explanation, I hope this applies to your father Sugar-Rush.

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I feel what your seeing, and what your own nature through dreams is telling you, is the potential. The possibilities that exhist and can occur if everything plays out right and actions that are taken. Often people misconceive that an extreme of one or the other (spirit vs. science) is the answer. When in fact its both, the healing occurs to believe that it has already happened, it is now. And that the doctors and treatments are talismans and actions of our own natures playing through this reality. Both your dream and the reallity is dream. But it would take the unswaying belief of yourself and all those involved to create without doubt.

Much love to both of you

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