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Its a Blessing I think!

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Hey i just want yall to know that its been about a week and some days since I finnally threw in the straw to the breakup and trying to understand why i was dumped and the whole trying to work things out with my ex. Its been No contact with him too. Well its sad to say that I used to know my exe's heart and he has a good heart. but after 2 years and how he broke up with me was just plain heartless.. still to this day I feel mistaken by him. I know since we had broken up God has trully blessed me with alot of things that my ex has taken when he broke up with me. I got a new Car, and I also got a partime job aslo to suppliment my income. See.., My ex thought that by him taking alot of the things that he got me for gifts ,and like he bought me a car for me as a gift but it ws in his name, but he thought that I would need him for something in the end. Well god seen fit for me to be taken care of and he's helping me staying focus on me. It be times where I want to call him and let him know whats going on with me , but i dont . I also wounder to is he moving on yet or is he seeing someone else , does he miss me like i miss him or what. I am afraid to see him in the club with someone esle and Im not ready for that yet. Im still hurt but Im still strong on the NC so far . may god bless and pray for me Love all..

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Hi Ant,


I am glad that things are finally starting to go your way for a change. Stay strong and don't give in!

Perhaps there are other hangouts you can go to instead that you know your ex won't go to? That way you can still socialise but you avoid the pain of seeing him with someone else.


We always wonder if the other person has moved on and all that sort of thing, but it's better not to dwell on it. Think about getting on with your life and making yourself happy. You made him happy and he just made you miserable!


Keep up the good work - you are making very sound progress!

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I feel exactly the same way, I have done NC for a month now but I feel like calling him every single day and it hurts so much. I'm wondering what he's thinking, if he's seeing someone else, if he doesn't miss me at all. I wish he could call. It's so scary that after 4 years it's just like he's dead and I don't dare to call him. I's so scared of his reaction. What if he's in love with someone new? I couldn't stand that, but I guess i will have to soon. why doesn't he bother at all? Is your ex never calling you either? Do you know anything about him at all, during your friends or anything?

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I've been in NC mode for the greater part of 3 months. 2 months ago I called and emailed but she had made no effort at all to call/see me since she broke up with me. She wouldn't even drop off my stuff herself, opting to have a friend do it for her. I just assume the whole ordeal has been pretty hard on her. Made the mistake of prying into her life and won't do that again. I have a good friend that works with her and I make a point of never talking/asking about her. It's sad but you do have to act like they're gone forever. Maybe one day they will make contact. But it's best to just act like they're gone for good.

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I've been doing NC for a week and two days now. It's so hard, I too want to just know how she is doing. If she is alright...



It hurts me to think that she is hurting since I broke up with her. But I know it was the right thing to do for me and maybe even for us. (Read my posts for more)



I've been trying very hard to stay busy with my life as well. I got more involved with my church. Signed up for serving food on thanksgiving at the salvation army. Got some new video games to keep me busy at home.



But there will always be that time, hardest for me is just before bed, where I can't do anything but think about her and us. I start to think about all the good times and think the bad were really not that bad... [-X




And this, is the most dangerous part of NC. It's when I (we) start to question the NC and think it may be ok to break it. Do what I did, call a friend. Or go out and spend time with someone else. It is just too hard to fight yourself when you love someone to not want to be part of their lives. But there is a reason for all this and I know God will show us someday. We just need to hang on and let Him work in our lives.



We need to forgive, but not forget the bad. Everyone was put in our lives for a reason. We may not see it right now, but it was for a purpose.



One last thing I have to say, and has been said before by others. God wants us to be happy. And when we are happy, we attract those who are happy too. Work on making our lives and selves happy, alone right now. Someday someone will see that happiness and want to share theirs with us.

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