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How Do You Deal With Jealousy?


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Ok I know this subject may be very 'general' and every person is different..but i am curious to know how you guys show your jealousy??

For instance, f someone you like says they are dating someone..and you feel jealous...how do you project it? Do you cover it up by being extra nice? "Oh well I hope it works out"...Are you sarcastic? "I bet his dad got him that job"..or are you outright JEALOUS??? 'Who is HE??? And how dare you see him"????


People are SO hard to read sometimes..I never considered myself a 'jealous" person really..but recently I started talking to my ex again..and the thought of him seeing someone else..made those feelings bubble up....has this happened to you all? How do you deal with jealousy??

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depends how much I like the person..


If i like someone a lot.. I try not to ask a lot of questions in case it hurts..


If i like someone... but am not.. sooooo much.. I I ask lots of questions and dont make detrimental comments as such.. but my tone of voice kind of gives away the fact im not that impressed...

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Copeland..I like this guy a lot..and as you said.."try not to ask a lot of questions'. I am afraid of the truth..but the reality is if he is seeing someone else, it's really not my business. I definetly don't want to know details though....

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This is a guy I was seeing earlier this year..and hings didn't work out..we stopped talking for about 4 months and are now slowly talking again...


I don't know YET if he's seeing anyone. I would like to have him back in my life..bu I am not sure how to go about it..especially if he IS seeing somene else. Right now, he is open to us talking again. I don't want to seem jealous...

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If things didnt work out the first time, do you think there is a posibility of them working this time. If the answer is no, or youre unsure, then I'd think perhaps a little more about where you actually want it to go. If the friendship isnt very stable to start with, it makes it very difficult and strained if all of a sudden there are all these feelings added into the mix.


My personal suggestion would be to try and rebuild the friendship first, but not to get your hopes up, not expect too much and then there is less risk of disappointment. If things go well, then perhaps you can talk about how you're both are getting on... and perhaps even start to talk about wheat went wrong between you before. You never know, with a bit of effort you might see in each other what you saw that first time. Only time will tell. Be patient and don't scared him off to quickly by swamping him with emotions that first off he might wonder where they have come from.


Goodluck! Let us know how you get on.

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