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help me save someone's life

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I went to a party the other night and there was lots of people there dancing and having fun. This girl in my science class is pretty cool came up and started dancing with me. I think she likes me a lot. She trys to get my attention way too much. She's also a big druggy who is suicidal. I am pretty much a good boy. I don't do drugs or have sex or stuff like that...but knowing that she has tried to and might try to kill herself later disturbs me and makes me sick. I tried talking with her delicately. She smokes and says it'll knock years off her life...I try to reason and say things that wouldn't provoke her to even think about stuff like that. She also has had theory before. I dont want to recomend anything cause I know she'll refuse. Overall I need help without making a mistake. I really care for her as a friend and I don't want her to kill herself.

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The worse mistake I see about people who committ suicide is tha they don't see how much every one else hurts, how their suicide hurts the people who are clsoe to them. I've seen it. her family will never recover, if she does. Her friends will always urt when they think of her.

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I think you said it yourself when you said that she tries to get your attention too much. She thinks she will get more attention by shocking you and making you worry about her. So try giving her positive attention. When she talks about suicide, try not to make such a big deal over it but when she is smiling and joking about, give her LOTS and LOTS of attention and encourage her to be more positive with lots of reward for it.

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I'm going to speak from experience here.


The one and only thing that kept me alive in my time of darkness was when my mother found out about what I had planned to do and she cried on the phone.


That in itself was way more powerful than hearing people tell me that I'll hurt so many people if I went through with it.


Honestly it was more powerful than anything else. I was at a point where I was sure nothing was going to stop me and that alone did it.


So if you're really concerned about her tell her parents about what shes talking about. Or the school councilor.

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First of all - you cannot change her mind.

You can help her seek help. But you cannot do anything substantial to take her burdens away.

Accept that.


Be a good friend to her - be a shoulder to cry on - the voice of reason.

But most importantly - Try and persuade her to seek help.

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