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Hi some people here might know that im a bisexual guy. Well if you didnt you do now. Well i wanted to know something. I find guys attractive but i only would want to do anything with guys that are, well i will give a description.


Hes younger than me and looks it. he looks about 17 to 18. He has allmost no body hair and a well tonned figure. He is funny and yet a little shy. He doesnt like allways being the centre of attension but he does have social skills. he isnt camp, but he isnt to butch either. Hes sensetive and kind, but he also has a slightly wicked side. he has blue or green eyes, with blonde or light brown hair, short hair. He is not masculine in his looks. He is farily tanned and trims his pubes, and last but not least he has a descent sized length of meat for me to play with.


my big questions is i know im picky but is this being really to picky. Most of this any person can change about themselves, i mean sun tan, athletic figure, hair colour and style. stuff like that you can change. but am i really narrowing it down too much here. Will i ever meet or even meat this guy, lol. seriously are my standards just too high.

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Everyone has their own set standard of what their perfect partner should be but were never really going to get someone that matches what we want of them so we have too lower our standards otherwise those that do have high standards will not find anyone.


I have my own standards of what im looking for but i haven't found anyone yet, again i sometimes think whether or not mine are too high but as TiredMan said it's all about how YOU feel and what your looking for, but you have too comprimise at some point.


Not sure if this is any help, but i hope so.


- whitefang

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i don't know. It's tough. While I believe in having some standards, those who have strict standards and only go by them will never be happy. Not to mention, it might irritate some people who may look at it as being kind of snobby if you have a very specific list of what you want, and anyone who isn't in that league is not good enough.


Not to mention this line : "He is farily tanned and trims his pubes, and last but not least he has a descent sized length of meat for me to play with. "


So if he has everything and doesn't shave his pubes, you'd be like no way?

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I think if it's what you like and this guy likes you back then there shouldn't be a problem. I hate to say this though, but you are still really young so your tastes might change in a few years.


Don't knock yourself for appearing a bit 'shallow' right now. I don't think it's shallow at all, just a preference.


Personally, I worry about guys who say they like ANY woman, or in your case, any man OR woman. To me that sounds a bit desperate.

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I think everyone has a "type" albeit not as strictly defined as you have...


If you find that type of guy I wish you the best. But I would say try broadening your horizons...Like maybe he isn't blonde, but he still may have the other traits you are looking for...

Or maybe he might be a little more muscular than thin...and etc, etc.


You could miss out on meeting the right person for you if you stick to narrow definitions.


Like I am predominately attracted to black guys. But I would definitely be open to dating anyone that wasn't of African descent if they are nice and cute(cute being totally subjective)...


It all depends on the person I think.

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Like has been stated everyone has standards and almost expectations of whom they would like as a partner, but the key idea is making room for traits which don't quite fall into your category of attraction.


I say that in meaning, he may be near everything else you're looking for but doesn't have the hair color, or the build or similar things you've mentioned. I suppose in that case there would need to be some room for acceptance of what might be lacking.


For myself, I have an idea of the perfect woman in a physical outlook, and then there is the idea of a perfect woman when it comes to personality aspects. Though I know, it is doubtful that I will find a woman who has everything I imagine, thereforeeee the reality of my situation is, what is most important in tending to a relationship.


Personally in my opinion, Physical is nice but personality is what my partner will always have when the youth is fading. thereforeeee, in my mind I look for those traits which are most important to me in a long standing relationship, then apply them as my personal standards. If there is something minor lacking, it can be accepted. Now if everything else is there except one major requirement point that I have to live with (ie Temperment) I may look away for my own benefit, giving hard thought about the chance of the relationship surviving without that major point.

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these are all great an valid points, and as for what tired man said, i know small things like that would not put me off but i think i would end up pushing for them if i got into a relationship with him. Just like i would make an effort to do things to my body and physical apperance to please him.


I spose that its all about how much i could take. Now this is were i get really shallow, but i dont like big guys at all, by big i mean a litttle extra around the middle. i dont find it attractive in a uy or a girl, curves in a women yes, and muscle deffinition in a guy but when there is to much fat it turns me off. Now thing like that may be shallow but i cant help it. I Know that im fairly shallow, but i think its better to be honest that going out with a guy or girl who i dont find physicaly attractive. I did that once and when i broke it off i really hurt her. She deserved more than that. I dont want to hurt people. If i go out with someone then i want it to last i dont want to be the guy that dumps, i want to be completely certain that who i ask out is deffinatly what i want.


I think that this might be my problem in trying so hard to see what i want exactly so that i dont dump the person and hurt them when i realise theire not 1000% for me. I end up looking for my idea of perfect. what do you think?

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What you're overlooking is that as you fall in love with somebody, they become more physically beautiful to you.


I don't think it's shallow to want to be physically attracted to your lover. And there are some wonderful people out there whom I couldn't date just because they are freaking ugly (sorry). But keep an open mind- you never know who might end up becoming more and more beautiful as you date them. And beauty is fleeting- we're all destined to be ugly eventually.


I share your problem in that I'm not really attracted to other races. I don't think this is wrong.


I think your list is a little too specific. It's okay to have a dream guy, but be prepared to change at a moments notice. My list: either tall or short, but if he's alot taller than me I prefer he be skinny, any kind of hair, preferably blue or green eyes, at least not black-eyed (like mine- too scary), a pleasant speaking voice, not too overweight.


My personality list is a lot more specific and this is the stuff I'm really looking for: an extremely sharp mind and love for learning, affectionate, witty, cuddly and sweet, optimistic, liberal politics, an appreciation for classical music (or at least pretend to be interested in my concerts), imaginative, open minded. I have all these qualities so I don't think it's too much to ask from someone else.


Something to compare to- food for thought.

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Chears PianoGuy that made me feel alot better about things. Yer my description was pretty much for my perfect guy. Also i spose it did focuse more on his sexual qualities. I cant help it im allmost allways horny, lol.


Ive never really thought about falling in love with a guy, its more sexual anyway. i figure that when it comes to guys im more intrested in a firends with benefits kind of relationship. or more appropriatly, f*** buddies. Gosh im such a male sl*t. lol

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worryingly.. apart from the tan.. you have just described me. So there are people out there that are "cosmetically" right for you.


There is nothing wrong with being choosey and certainly nothing wrong with knowing what you want... not knowing what you want is often a lot of people failures.


As another said, it also depends on what you look like and what the other person is looking for, but then thats not something you can be expected to be able to control.


Be yourself, and look for what you're looking for and attracted too, but.. DONT LIMIT YOURSELF.


There is nothing wrong with giving some someone a chance that you like, or has some of the qualities youre looking for. Knowing from experience, things can surprise you when you allow it.



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Ask yourself this question.. "If I found someone that met my standard and they changed...what would I do?" For example, trimmed pubs..what if they stopped? What if they where waxing and got tired of the upkeep? What if he starts workin out? Grows his hair long? I bet most of these if not all you would say "Well, thats not really all that important now because I love him." So search for the bottom line.

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We all have a "perfect" guy (mostly gay men and straight women). The perfect guy is very specific and there will probably be a very little amount of people fitting perfectly in to our description. Earlier I though I couldn't fall in love with a guy who didn't fit the description but when I one day talked to a guy I know on Msn. He isn't someone who would make me drop the soap and slowly bend down to get it and see if I got a reaction. I though to myself: Could I imagine myself being with this guy? (Never been with him in the shower, haven’t even met him in person). And the answer was "guess so." I'm not in love with him or have a crush on him but I really like his personality. However I drew the conclusion that the imaginary guy is only guide lines. We seek people who are fitting this description in any way, they don't have to look like the guy you dream about but they have to share some characteristics. I don't have anything against foreigners but still, I want my first boyfriend to be Caucasian and I want to loose my virginity to a Caucasian guy. I primarily fall in love with white guys. But if he isn't white I don't mind. I'm not searching for someone who is super cute, although it is a bonus. I want someone I can share happiness with. I know that if I love someone, he will become beautiful to me.


My biggest fear is that I might never find someone I still think is beautiful who think the same about me.


And the horny thing, that's normal. I feel horny as well. Every day, but that's normal for being a guy and I think it's normal to be horny all the time for a girl too. It’s only our will to survive. If we weren't horny we wouldn't multiply. I'm often horny in the morning... 'nuff Said

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