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Loosing hair cos of stress

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I not going through a very good time atall right now emotional problems are eating me from the inside, and I feel suicidal at times.


Well yer this is causing my hair to fall out Im only 18 for crying out lound and my hair is falling out. What can I do? and if the pain goes will it grow back?. I mean if I run my fingers through my hair I pick up like 4 hairs each time.


I really want this sorted this one burden too far first of all my lifes messed up now my hairs falling out. I was/am famous for it, one of my best qualities. What do I do without it. Im soo low

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You should talk to your doctor about this as soon as possible. Stress can indeed cause hair loss: link removed


However, it could also be do to a medical or genetic reason. After the hair falls out- have you noticed if it grows back or not? That could be an indication of the cause.


You should talk to your doctor about both the depression and the hair loss. If you continue at the rate you're going, things are not going to get better. Please get some help,




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I don't think losing 4 strands of hair every time you run your fingers through it is normal at all. Even if it was so, the depression is still an issue and he should still talk to a doctor.


Although the average person loses around 100 stands of hair per day- it is usually due to brushing, getting the hair wet, sleeping on a pillow, and/or wearing a hat, etc. If he didn't lose 4 stands of hair when he touched it before- then it is something to be concerned about if it's happening now, especially if he knows he's in a depression.


Here's another good site wiht a lot if info on hair and hair loss: link removed




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there's a whole whack of products that claim to help.. take some time and research them on the internet and go see a doctor


you dont want to wait..


i probably started losing it around 18 as well, i had damn good hair too..


when i turned 21 you could really notice it......now i've taken the steps and it appears to have stopped,.... a bit ...i mean it could be better but it could be a hell of a lot worse..........


if you take preventitive measures now you should be ok......


good luck

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I just get too embarased too ask a doctor.


Don't be embarrassed- that's what they're paid for.


Trust me- all doctor's have seen much worse than hair loss or depression. Your questions will probably come as a relief to doctors, when you think of all the other medical conditions they deal with.


You need to take care of yourself,




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Suppose I will have to, I got anouther problem I need to see a doctor about aswell but too ebarased to do that. As a matter of fact I was there today getting some antibiotics and nearly said the other problem but chickened out. By the way the other problem is I have a painfull lump behind my right nipple and its growing.

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Definitely see a doctor. What are you waiting for?


By the way the other problem is I have a painfull lump behind my right nipple and its growing.


I still don't think that's too embarrassing. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a woman. ( I just think of mammograms and all the other "fun" we women deal with when we go to the doctor )


Call and make an appointment. It will be fine.




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Unless your running your hands through your hair a 20 times per day losing 4 hairs is totally normal. The average healthy person loses between 25 and 100 hairs per day. It also depend how thick your hair is. I just ran my hands through my hair and got 4 hairs out. My hair is thick and grows very fast so I'm sure I lose at least 100 strands of hair per day.


If you are concerned by it as in your actually seeing vivsible thinning you shoudl look at two things. Your dad and your mom's dad. The male patterning balding jean is passed on through women although it is not active in them. If they started balding early that may jsut be your tough luck.


If it is however caused by stress then is will grow back when you are no longer stressed. I know this from seeing it first hand. I'm not sure however if it's true for everone but I know a friend of mine female who went through a huge ordeal, her sister died and other factors, she lost a ton of hair to the point she had bald patchs but now it's all grown back fully.

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I'm glad you are going to see a doctor Anonymous - esp. about the lump behind your nipple. It's highly unlikely that it's serious, but it could be, and you should really get it checked out ASAP!


On the hair loss: mine suddenly started to fall out in large amounts over the summer, to the point where it has noticably become thinner. However, it's stopped falling out all by itself now, hopefully yours will too once you're feeling better in general. Also, try to keep in mind that because you're worried about it now you will notice every single hair that comes out, is on your pillow, your clothes etc., whereas you probably never paid attention to it before - the problem may seem worse than it is simply because you're noticing it more!


Take care!

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