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he sold weed to a 5 year old....

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i dont really know what to put it under...but here goes...


my ex is a dirty rat he doesnt deserve to live the life he lives in everyone pitys him except his family i hate him!!! i hate him so much cause he threatnes me all the time...


my ex sells weed and might move on to selling coke now i was in the park waiting for my boyf when i saw my ex walk into the park, i was so shocked i hid in the forest part and watched what he was doing i hate seeing him so thats why i ran....i then saw him call over some little kids playing football they obviously lived local cause if i had children that age i wouldn't leave them alone!!! he ten handed each boy a packet...he then left later my m8 came i didnt think anything of it when i m8 started laughing going OMG those kids are smoking weed ill kill my kids if i saw dem...


so my ex sold weed to little kids and im wondering people like that must be breaking the law i want to stop him, not the fact i hate him but how dare he sell weed to children!!!!! thats the lowest of the low should i report him?

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Well, you could do several things, one of which is call the police, tell them his name and hang up if they ask you questions. Pay phone's still exist, so you could call from one of them if you need to do so.



If those kids were your kids, would you want to know that they were smoking pot? And wouldn't you want someone to tell? I would.

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If he's dealing, he probably has drugs in his house. Just call the police department, and tell them you'd like to make an anonymous tip about a drug dealer. Give them his name, address, and phone #. Give them all information you think might be useful to them, and of course answer all questions. Unless of course, they ask who you are. But they wont.


You don't even have to tell them about the incident with the 5 year olds. Drug busts are easy once the cops have the information. They can try to arrange a buy and bust with him, or they'll break his door down early one morning and search the place till they find his stash.


Normally I wouldn't recommend you doing this to an ex because people usually do it for revenge, which isn't too healthy. But your ex sounds like a real lowlife, and the world will be a better place with him behind bars.

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First of all this is outrageous. This story almost doesnt sound like it could be real. I just can't see how any of the parents once they found there kids smelling like WEED did not already report this to the proper authorities. Am I all the only one who see's a huge hole in this story. If you did not see the children smoking weed and this was just word of mouth then I'd say you should watch a bit more and make sure you know whats going on before you report something that may or may not have happened. I know a lot about drug dealers. My oldest brother is serving time in PRISON for dealing drugs. He did not deal to children but he still dealt DRUGS. And its wrong. He's been in prison for over 5 yrs now, a place where even the strongest don't want to be.


Someone ratted him out, and to be honest it hurts me because that same ex girlfriend that told on him (because he dumped her for someone else) could have helped him by trying to talk him out of doing it. None of my family even knew he was up to this. The two women he was messing with knew and because he was caking them and giving them gold and diamonds they used him and never cared once to try to get him help. The ex ratted on him when he wasnt even selling. At this point he was getting ready to move to another place, she made up information, but DUE TO HIS OWN BAD KARMA , he still had some left in his apt. That was 5 yrs ago. ANy one of these girls could have called my parents, and told the family on him, but they didnt. Have you thought about going to his parents. Parents need to know. His mother or father may be CLUELESS. And if you told her, or had someone call annoymously to her first, she may bust his butt and get him to straighten up.


Anyhow this is a hard one to call. If this story is 100 fact and that person who told you this isnt trying to make up stuff, then please go to his family, or someone you can trust to help him before you turn him in. If he refuses the help then atleast you can say "i tried" and then what happens to him is really his own fault.


If he is selling to children (which i don't see how a five year old is smart enough to know what the heck is going on as far as money and transactions) then he needs mental help.


Everyone wants to run to the police and tell the police. What about the parents and the family? They need to know what he's stooped too.

If you are as young as you say then he probably is young as well. Not too much older. His parents need to get on his butt.


My brothers situation was different...he was much too old to pretend like he didnt know he was doing wrong, but this young man could be saved even before the police get him and place him behind bars and then his life is ruined. Someone could come in and save him before it gets too far.

I hope you wouldnt do this out of revenge. You did state that you hated him. If you care enough to report him, report him to a counselor or someone who can speak with him and try to help him. Is he 16 yrs old like you? Is he still in school doing this? Is there a way the mother and father can find out and stop him before he ruins his life..FOREVER?

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I agree with miracle29. There no way those kids could actually be 5 and be buying maruajana smoking ti and not getting caught this story is ridiculous. Nto to be patronizing but your sixteen and you had a crappy boyfriend your clealry teaming with anger and either overexagerating hugely (i.e. saying a kid who was more like 12 was 5) or you totally misinterpretted what you saw. Chill I'm sure he was a jerk but it doens't matter now it's behind you unless you go around meddling in his life like this saying things that are unlikely true or at least exagerated. Personally I think you should let it go and try and distance yourself from him. If you see him walk away don't get involved. Your just hurting yourself.


my ex is a dirty rat he doesnt deserve to live the life he lives in everyone pitys him except his family i hate him!!! i hate him so much cause he threatnes me all the time...


You can't have typed that and say your not clearly just fuming from your breakup. I think you need to work through some of your anger towards him. Would you really jump to such conclusion and get so angry about it if you hadn't jsut broken up?


Also your ex is probably also about 16 isn't he? Tell his parent don't send him to jail he's proabably like a bazillionth level dealer who buys a quarter of skank weed once in a while then sells it to his friends.

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This is what I'm saying. I think either he was such a total jerk that he has made a few enemies out of her and her sources or perhaps she is totatally angry at him and wants to hurt him back. TOTALLY understandable, I can tell you right now, I know what its like to want to seek revenge. Its human nature. But make sure your story is 100 true and that he hasnt just angered so many people that they are making up exaggerated stories and coming back to you to hurt you and make you upset in the process. Misery loves company. I one had two women tell me my boyfriend was cheating on me. No lie, they just didnt want to see me happy. We ended up breaking up and it turned out they were full of it. People will play with your mind and if you are not stronger..they can come up with some very good lies and stories and have you believing them when nothing even happened. Be careful. People lie.


Not saying he is any way shape or form innocent..but just make sure you direct this frustration in the right place.

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It is HIGHLY plausible that a 5 year old can be smoking WEED. I myself was about 6 when I first lit up a ciggarette!!! Older brothers and sisters help in teaching the younger ones.


Parents not smelling it on thier children. Hmmmm. Well, my mother didn't know what the smell was. Had no idea. Probably still doesn't have a clue.


I know a woman whose 15 yr old son smokes. And she's tried and she's tried to talk, and ground him.. and take him to shrinks. Guess what?? its not helping!!... I asked her. "Have you talked to the parents of the children he hangs out with???" NO. WHY??? well.. its embarrassing. Its like ratting out your own kid. The police??? well, why the heck else do I pay taxes for???


I think WE ALL owe it to ourselves and our children to STOP the drugs. Any which way possible. I like the post about the brother who "JUST" happened to clean up his act... If he didn't have it on him. He wouldn't be sitting in jail now would he. He never should have had it in the first place.


To the original poster. If you know for a fact that he deals. Then report him. Anyone who deals should be reported at anytime.

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It's only maruajana though it's not liek he's dealing hard drugs anyway. Weed is legal in lots of places. It WOULD be legal in Canada the majority of our population supposes its legalization but unfortunately the UNited States has made specific threats to increase border security thus screwing up the border if we legalize it. B.C. has a 2 Billion dollar are year maraujana industry and it's actually good for the economy. At least if it was legalized it could be regulated. Stupid bush.


Personally I see nothing wrong with it. I've been smoking weed since I was 14 my parents were aware of it and in addition I'm a straight A student in every aspect. I've never been arrested. I've never even gotten a speeding ticket. As long as its jsut weed I think you should let it go. If we arrested everyone who smoked weed or bought and sold it for their friends once in a while there wouldn't be a heck of a lot of people left. There would be nobody in B.C. lol even my grandmother smokes weed jsut because she lives in B.C. Let's face it it's considerably less damaging than alcohol both in behavior and health effects. Considerable less addictive as well. I know plenty of people that won't drink but will smoke weed jsut for that reason and personally I odubt that the original poster was dating a dealer and had never done weed. I think she is just mad at her ex because they broke up for whatever reason. But I guess if she wanted ot be called a narc for the rest of highschool she can go ahead.

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Personally I see nothing wrong with it.


60% of heavy cannabis users will develop mental health problems due to the drug's regular use.


It has all the health risks of smoking, cancer etc.


It's habit forming, and becomes a dependancy in around 1 in 10 consistent users.

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Combat_Barbie.... let me ask you something.. Are you a mother yet? Do you have children? and I mean that with the utmost respect, because before I was a MOM. I may have thought much the same way you do.


Yeah... maybe it should be legalized so that way my kid won't meet up with some idiot on the school yard who wants to her to smoke a little weed. And its not just weed... weed is mild compared to Crank, Heroin and Meth these days.


Being called a NARC for the rest of her highschool days... hmmmm... well,

I guess we should all just let CHAO's reign and let everyone do whatever the heck they want becuase we're afraid of being called names.. and sticks and stones WILL break our bones and words will hurt us. Yeah.. ok.


In one way I agree with you.. that GF is caught in a hard place and a rock... and will look like the jilted lover if she tells. However, I dated a guy.. who AFTER I broke up with him.. I discovered he was a CLOSET alcholic. Soooooo... would I look like a jilted lover if I found out "AFTER" I broke up with him.. he was selling dope???? should I keep my mouth shut because.. I don't want to appear the jilted lover????


Wrong is Wrong. Selling to a 5 year old. Selling to MY 5 YEAR OLD... is wrong. I'll tell you one thing... as a MOTHER.. if I ever EVER found out that someone gave my kid POT.. he'd be better off behind BARS where the LAW could PROTECT him from ME. I'd tear the s.o.b. appart... for the scum bag he is.

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ok let me just tell you the story again!! i SAW HIM with MY OWN EYES dealing to these little kids. No one has told me anything bad against him everyone knows hes a looser and dont expect much from him...

the point im trying to make is not matter how much i hate it its wrong!! come on some of you are saying i smoked weed when i was 6 and older but it must of had a effect on your life. Children are still growing at that age they dont need to do the sort of stuff then when thier that age!! im 16 and i think im to young to do that!!

so what do you think now? should i report him or leave it?

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ok hes been reported before i think it was his sister he told me who drove around with the police looking for him! theres so much evidence so many people know he deals they just need to wait till someone calls his mobile and thats enough evidence hes been arrested twice with it yet nothings ever happened.

how do i report him? do i just call the police?

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OH yea and im not upset we broke up and i wasnt fluming when i wrote that it just wouldnt let me type the swear words that i wanted too!! i broke up with him and he never broke my heart or nothing he just thinks he can control and threathen me with family stuff....

but this is a different story i was just giving background info

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DarkBlue cite your source. Because personally I have never heard such statistics and even if that was true addicition to alcohol is still a lot more prominent and in addition a lot deadlier because the way people act when they are high isn't violent and aggressive liek many people when they are drunk. As far as cancer and such the nature of maraujana isn't hte same as cigarettes people don't smoke it every day. A lifetime of smoking maruajana involves inhaling about as much smoke as a week of being a heavy cigarette smoker plus it isn't fill with all those nasty poisons. You can die from drinking to much in one night easily people do it all the time to die from smoking weed is impossible because to smoke enough of it to die you would pass out and go to sleep long before and you won't be choking on vomit like if you were drunk. It's considerably less dangerous is so many ways. If it was legal people would drink less and thus it would decrease deaths from alcohol poisoning. In fact this website says that addiction is physically impossible:

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ONce again your statistics are nonsense. I have never heard anything abotu mental problems being formed by maraujana. Sure they aren't as smart when they are high but afterwards you are just fine. Over the course of highschool I won proficiency awards, highest mark in the school of that course during the entire year, in computer science(99%), world history(96%), business technology(98%), and math(96%). If I have mental problems most people would dream of having them. Of all the 100s of people I kno w who regularly smoke pot none of them have any mental problems whatsoever.


Shadows Light No I don't have children. My mom had four though and she didn't see a problem with it. When I was 15 my boyfriends mom use to make us hash brownies. I can see your concern though at least you are not rhyming off nonsense but I don't think that being a mother equivilates to thinking weed is bad. I understand though that americans have a very different view to maruajana than canadians. I believe this is mostly atributed to misinformation. I recent survey through the globe and mail showed that something like 70+% of canadians supported the legalization of maraujana.


I think basically though compared to cigarettes or alcohol maraujana is barely even a drug at all. It's less dangerous, less addictive, causes less side effects, is unlikely to make people engage in dangerous or angry behavior. I can see Shadows Light point about if he was indeed selling to five year olds, which I still find unlikely. I don't think it's right to sell alcohol or cigarettes to five year old either but if he is only selling to other people his age I think she should just ignore it.

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Shadow? I seem to notice that you misread my post entirely.

I like the post about the brother who "JUST" happened to clean up his act... If he didn't have it on him. He wouldn't be sitting in jail now would he. He never should have had it in the first place.



I think you need to RE-READ my post so that you can see that I NEVER SAID my brother cleaned up his act. I said that just when he was going to stop, thats when his karma came crashing down on him. I think you read the post so fast that you didnt really read it all. My brother is in prison. I don't make light of him being there or how he got there. I agree that people who sell drugs get whats coming to them, but you have no right to make light of what anyone in my family has done, especially since you dont know even half the story.


Its one thing to give your opinion, but to give a half-hearted quick reply just to appear right, is really shallow.


I think your reply was both rude and rediculous. I don't condone drugs, and I don't condone rude posts either!

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You are discreditting 6 sources?


Very well.

Believe what you will.


I not only know from studies what the effects of cannabis are - but I know from experience. I know people who have developed mental health problems who were seemingly 'normal' before taking the drug on a regular basis.


You are glorifying the use of illegal (in the majority of countries) drugs.

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