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Is she interested or not?


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Hi guys, new confused member here

I'm 16, and I've liked this girl for years now. She apparently found out I liked her from a friend, but I'm not sure if she likes me or not. Every now and again I see her looking at me. Thing is, I was told by someone that she likes someone else, and that he doubted she liked me.


Apparently I was also high up on her list for someone to go to the year 10 formal with, but then someone else got to her first (but he's an idiot and people say they wouldn't work together anywayz). Some time ago she winked at me, but that was just playing around because her and her friend were talking about me earlier for the formal (but apparently I wasn't the joke, they really were considering me!)


Are these actual signs from her, or am I making it up in my head? I'm torn between 2 pieces of evidence here, someone who told me information, and what I'm apparently seeing. I do trust this person, but I'm not entirely sure if he's fully informed.


I don't know what to do! Someone please help!

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Hi and Welcome to eNotAlone.com on behalf of everyone here!


Have you thought about asking her, she's found out that you like her. You've found out that she likes someone else but if you put yourself up there you don't know what might happen, as with everything there's always a 50/50 chance that you might get rejected, but it's all part of the process.


You know her, so it shouldnt be too dificult to strike a converstion with her about something that either happened at college/school or a particular interest and then ask her out.


Im assuming that this "Formal" is some sort of dance? am i right


It is difficult too read and interperet signals, as they could be anything. The worst that could happen is that she says that she doesnt see you as a possible boyfriend, but as long as you have her as a friend that's pretty special either way.


You should go with your gut instinct, intuition or what you feel is right because there's awalys a chance with anything that you do that it will go right


Hope this has helped


- whitefang

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Aight guys, thanks for your help. For now I'm just gonna wing it and see what happens. Unfortunately we haven't talked in some time, but we'll see. If she is interested, I should get more signs. If not, I'll forget it and move on I guess.

The formal is basically a high school prom (we talk differently here in Aus).

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Thing is, I was told by someone that she likes someone else, and that he doubted she liked me.


Was the person who told you she wasn't interested one of the idiot's friends? Perhaps they said that to put you off..


The only thing you can do to find out is to ask her directly if she likes you or not. If she does, that's fantastic - if she doesn't, at least you can move on.


I'm in Western Australia by the way

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Was the person who told you she wasn't interested one of the idiot's friends? Perhaps they said that to put you off..


No, he isn't one of his good friends at all. I'm still too sure whether his info is entirely correct or not though.


Well, I'm sure she knows me well enough, we have known each other for 6 years or so. Problem is we don't talk anymore, and that's a pain. I'm not going to just ask her, I'd prolly end up embarrassing myself. I talk to the friend who told her I like her a bit, so maybe I can find out from her. She always has a knack of bringing her up in conversation too...

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