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My ex broke up with me almost 3 weeks ago since he didn't trust me and didn't feel good in the relationship because of that. Just the day he broke up, we didn't fight and he wanted us to call eachother if we need to. AT first I didn't want to be his friend but the day after I felt lika talking to him since I felt so bad about it. But after a few days when I called him, he was very upset and it seemed as that he doesn't want me to call him anymore. He's so mad at me for everything and I know he wants to avoid me, so all I did was to send a gratulation card by email the day after his birthday. He didn't respond. I also met him out the same day but he didn't say hello, nor did his son. Only a few days later I meet him on the beach doing inlines with his son. I saw him too late and we didn't say hello. He pretends like I don't exist and it hurts so much. Eveytime I see him it hurts and I really really try to avoid him; the town I live in is quite big so how come I see him. Last night my daughter went out with her friend for halloween while I was at the gym and without my knowledge she rang on his door for halloween. His son opened the door and gave her and her friend some money and the son told her to say hello to me. I was SO upset when I heard that my daughter was at his place last night. Why is this happening to me when I really really try to avoid him? I know that he thinks that I'm doing this on purpose, but I really feel alot better if I dont see him at all.

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I wouldn't worry too much.. You aint following him on purpose and it seems like you are just trying to carrying on as normal.. If you see him in the street or at the beach, make sure you carry on as normal and if he acknowledges you then reply back.. If not, just walk straight past him as if you haven't seen him.. If he didn't trust you and wasn't happy in the relationship, when that's his problem.. I bet you will meet someone and wonder what you ever saw in your ex..


Stay positive and be strong..


Becks xx

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