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It seems to be getting boring.

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Hello, ive been dating my gf for about 5 months now. I have a job, and i go to school, but i still have time to see her everyday, if her mom permits me to come over or take her somewere. I am 16, she is 15.


My question is, after dating for months, there tends to be less and less things to do. I have my weekends off, and the weekdays free after 6:30.

It seems like there is nothing more to do, weve done alot together..


Also are there any sudgestions on communicatons within relationships, we often have disagreements, and i want to know how we should settle between them. Weve had our bad arguments like all couples, but my theory is open communication is best, so we can talk our problems out, does anyone agree? Are arguments normal in a relationship?


What should we do to spend our time together, usually i go to her house and watch a movie, or ill drive her to my house or what not, or we go to movies..


Please leave your ideas/comments

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I think its important to remember that you are 16 and that typically relationsihps around your age you are just learning things about your partner and about relationships. I believe that you should keep communicating, disagreements are fine as long as they dont end up being destructive. Learn from this experience and you will be fine, just feel things out, thats all you can do. Find different activities in your area that you can do if you are getting bored.

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You could go to museums, bowling, out to dinner, etc. You say your times are free basically every day. Are you seeing eachother every day? Why not just the weekend and a weekday or two instead? Maybe you're just seeing way too much of eachother. No matter what, you're not going to be completely entertained together every single day, and it gets expensive as well. Just an idea.

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