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dont want my gf to get pregnant

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my girlfriend and i have been together for a while and we've done everything sexually except sex. niether of us are virgins but she is younger than me (14) . we both want to have sex but we're super paranoid about her getting pregnant. we have plenty of condoms and i know how to use them properly but there not %100 effective does anyone know a better way(besides abstinence) to prevent pregnancy?

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use birth control with it. if you can't afford it then go to like a planned parent hood or something, maybe they can hook you up with some. I don't know for sure if they do that but hey it's worth a try. oh and pull out even if you use a condom, it'll maybe help a little more. but yeah there's no telling, i have a friend who and this is odd but they used a condom, she had been taking birthcontrol and it was on the sugar pill week so she was also on her period and she still got pregnant . it's highly unlikely for something like that to happen, but it did so there's no for sure answer.

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NEVER use two condoms on top of each other. Your gf is very young, I am sorry to say, but I think she's too young to have sex. Her body isn't even ready to be on the pill yet. In my opinion you shouldn't be having sex if you can't deal with the eventual consequences.



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what do you mean her body isnt ready for the pill. my girlfriend has been on the pill since she was 14 or 15.


dude if she isnt able to get hold of birth control or is for some reason illergic to it then use a condom with spermicide.


if you decide to use the pull out method then you should use a condom. there is a thing called precum. you do actually cum a little bit before you ejaculate.


and even though i would talk to a doctor about it, there is the morning after pill.

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sry for the double post, but as for the reply above about no sex. dont scare him away, he comes for advice and protection methods. i always hated it when i was a kid when people wouldnt tell me how to do things right becuase they didnt want me doing them. i would just end up doing them anyway and doing them wrong, lol.



oh and as far as the double condms thing, dont do it, the friction between the two condoms will cause them to break.


the best provention in kepping a condom from breaking is lube. durex and K-y jelly are good ones. i would stick with water based lubes as i hear some people have bad reactions to silicone ones

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youll probably be fine with using condoms. Let me rephrase that.


Use one condom and youll probably be good. Make sure to put it on by rolling it over your erect penis and leaving a nice bit of baggage at the tip so when you do come, the fluid has somewhere to go without putting pressure on the rest of the condom.

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brahman; 14 IS too young to go on the Pill. My friend first went on it at 18, tried 3 different types, and they made her feel sick, made her periods irregular, she took about 5 pregnancy tests at different times because she didn't know whether she was coming or going. This isn't the type of thing a 14 year old should be thinking about. Though he stated she can't go on it, I personally think it's because she's too embarrassed about going to the doctor thinking she's too young, if this is the case how is she ready to have sex?


I think you're also forgettin the fact that if you two have sex it's illegal. She's still a kid barely in her teens. I suggest you give it time and see what develops. But, you probably won't listen to me. So in any case, make sure you use a condom, and preferably pull out.


I completely agree with Ilse. Having sex comes with the responsibility of having to deal with the repercussions if they occur, there's always a risk. Maybe fully understanding this risk and taking that risk comes with age, but hey, just my opinion.


Good luck anyway.

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One - what do you mean she "can't" go on it? Is is because she smokes, or has a history in her family of blood clots, etc?


Many girls whom are young go on the pill to regulate out of whack periods, so it's not usually an "age" thing, it's more of a "where your body has matured to" thing.


Yes, she is way too young. Trust me that at 14 no matter how "mature" you are, you really don't have any idea yet what lies ahead, and how much better it makes it to wait, or what the physical and emotional consequences can be...however that being said, I doubt you are NOT going to do it.


So just be careful - use a condom properly, and get her to go to her doctor and discuss other birth control options (I find it odd she "can't" get on it unless there are major medical reasons why not). Be aware that even with birth control, condoms, pills, whatever, there is still that chance of pregnancy, so talk about it, and discuss what you would do if it did happen.

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It irritates me how everyone is so preachy about when she can have sex and going on about nonsense about her being to old to be on the pill.


I say put her on the pill or depo-provera or some other kind of hormonal birth control then there is almsot no risk of pregnancy even if you were not using condoms. Especially depo-provera if she is really paranoid since although the pill is just as effective the effectiveness is dependany on her remembering to take it at the same time every day.


14 is legal in Canada. It's not that young. I lost my virginity when I was 15 and had no regrets about it. My little sister is 14 and she is plenty mature and has a boyfriend etc. I don't know if she has had sex because I don't see her a lot since I moved out but honestly if she did I know she would be aware of the consequences and not be taken advantage of. Age shouldn't matter maturity and knowledge should.

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If you feel you both are mature enough to be having sex, then I would suggest the best way to go right now is condoms and spermicide. There are spermicide pills that she can insert in her vagina before sex and you use the condom as well.


As far as the pill is concerned, I would not encourage her to get on it if I were you because there are. I am not trying to preach to you of course, (bc I had sex when I was 15 as well, pretty young) but there are side effects that her body might not be able to handle at this age. Although she is sexually mature (is not a virgin), her internal organs might not be developed fully and the pill can interfere with their development. Well, if you want to be additionally safe, use condoms, spermicide, and pull out method all at once. It will make you feel the safest. Those are just some ways, but remember they are not 100% safe either, but Im sure you know that.


So just be careful, and if you are totally sure, then do it the safest way. Because a little mistake, such as pregnancy, will go a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long way and cause lots of chaos for both of you.

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Lol if you're super paranoid now, you just go and have sex and see how paranoid the two of you are when she misses a period or gets a cold that has symptoms similar to morning sickness... And if you're like any other couple you fight... sex just adds a whole new dimension to fighting which I'm sure you're definitely looking forward to


I hate lecturing other people, but I had way more than enough to worry about in high school without having to worry about whether my gf was preg too... You wanna talk about paranoid? Last year my gf missed 2 periods in a row and was feeling under the weather for about a month or so...



Sometimes I wish we had never gone further than foreplay... It may not be as intimate, but it's hella fun

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I personally think you should tell her that because you are so paranoid and nervoius that u dont think its a good idea and that maybe you should wait and if shes really likes you she should respect that. I think it would make her like you more.. knowing that you really care about her like that and that you see your realonship as something more then sex. Maybe she 'cant go on it' because she doesnt think you can find a safer way and that maybe u wil give the idea up because deep down she really doesnt want to do it but shes just afraid to say it. If that is the case she is probally feeling a lot of pressure from it all because your an 'older boy' and she doesnt want u to break up with her because it might ruin her rep.... but if she gets preg.. there goes both of your reputations, goals, dreams, and everything else you might want or have...

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To stay on topic, the (flaming) posts about homosexuality are now removed. Both posting off topic and flaming other people on the forum are not approved here, please keep that in mind.


Let's get back to the question about contraceptives, please



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he said he wasnt a virgin, trying not to get off topic, but what protection did you use the firat time.


okay, so lets say you are really serious, do these steps and you should be fine, but if you missed even one of these steps except for reading the book, you are DEFINITLY STUPID AND SHOULD NOT HAVE SEX.


1. get tested, anyway you can. you think your clean, you can get genital herpes from touching someones mouth woth herpes simplix and then scrathing your self.


2. research all forms of pirth control.





look them up. it sounds like you want a quick answer and are rushing it.


3. read sex for dumbies, its an awsome book from birth control to getting your girl a good time in bed.


4. dude seriously two condoms, dont be a dumbass.


in defense of the others who are against it there are a number of decent reason other than age not to do it.


1. you have to keep this so mcuh a secret you might not be able to get birth control, might even aviod STD testing.


2. it doesnt sound like your in an actual relationship, just sorta doing it for sport.


3.even if you believe you are doing it for the right reasons, do you really think she is doning it for the right reason. is she doing it for pressure.


nobody is you right now. your 16 and you claim to have already had sex, you are ahead of the curve in the whole highschool world. do what you gotta do, but make sure you do it right and dont screw it up(pardon the pun)


sweet dreams

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i know everyone is saying shes young but hes only 16...thats young too and even still its not illegal if they are both underage. anyways if you layer condoms they will break...and as long as she has had a healthy period for over a year she can go on pills...honestly i feel the best way to go is pills and condoms, they have no effect on eadch other and they are the two most effective methods of birth control...hope this helps you

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if your paranoid about her getting pregnant... then don't do it....


BTW, I have never heard about someones body not being ready for the pill...


If you are both ready for whatever happens afterwords... then so be it


But if you do... Try to get her on BC... Wear a condom... And Pull out...


Sounds like a lot.. but, why take the risk of a condom breaking or her missing a pill?

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shes 14 and she already banged one guy and wants to bang another..........................hahaha....this seems like "The one"


Thats a disgusting thing to say. Just because she's sexually active at a young age doesn't mean she has any less capacity for monogamy. He is also not a virgin you are giving him any nonsense. You purpetuation a double standard and your being extremely judgemental you have no idea what situation she was in. I'm sure he didn't post so you could imply that his girlfriend was something I shouldn't type for fear of having this post edited.

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I would not use 2 condoms. I heard that the friction of the 2 condoms against each other makes them break!!! so NO TWO Condoms.. otheriwse, I really don't know. Good luck Honey =).. P.S. I also think your GF is a lil young to have sex. I'm assuming you are too.. Just my opinion. take it easy.

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