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  1. we have talked and talked about it...he doesn't have mental problems...but i am the first person he has ever had sex with. he already feels like a loser and i am not sure what to say to him to make him feel better. hes really good and it feels really good. i have asked him to think about seeing a phycologist and he said that he wouldn't be comfortable with that...anything else?
  2. i know everyone is saying shes young but hes only 16...thats young too and even still its not illegal if they are both underage. anyways if you layer condoms they will break...and as long as she has had a healthy period for over a year she can go on pills...honestly i feel the best way to go is pills and condoms, they have no effect on eadch other and they are the two most effective methods of birth control...hope this helps you
  3. my bf and i have been together for 15 months, we only started having sex 6 months into the realtionship. we plan on getting married and are crazy about eachother. however, everytime we have tryed to have sex, the total of 4 times, he can't orgasm. he can get it up just fine but after awhile he gives up because it won't go. because it has failed so many times he has pretty muched given up on us having sex. what should i do?
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