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I really need help and advice for a very weird addiction. I am addicted to the internet and posting on various sites... this is jepoardizing my future as it has meant that I have been neglecting my studying, which should most definitely be a priority.


It may be hard for some of you to understand, but I hop you can help... I just can't seem to pull myself away from the computer, and knuckle down and study.


Any advice, I really need to get this sorted. I guess I have an addictive personality disorder or something.

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I'm addicted to helping people on this forum actually.. so I know where you are coming from...


Try studying away from your computer... it's a temptation to turn your computer on, so study in a different room, even study outside...


Just think that you can jump on the internet when you have completed all your study... it's basically just exercising a bit of discipline on yourself..

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The thing is.. the computer is in the hallway. I'll study for 5 mintues, get distracted or go to get something and then i'll think oh... i'll just check this and checking it turns into an hour, which turns into a week and so forth.


I would like to ban myself from using the internet before 9pm, in an ideal world. It's just a matter of discipline, as you say.


How can I help enforce this?

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LOL.. I like the suggestion! But it is a family computer, so I think ther would be objections!


I guess I simply have to disclipline myself? I am so disorganized in general. I would like to become a more organized and efficient individual.


I often right ''to do'' lists with good intentions, but these never get done.


Where can I find the discipline, not only for this topic, but for life in general? I have been disciplined in the past... I gave up smoking which was extremely hard and took aver a year, but it's been 2 years now- so I can do it.


Disconnect the monitor or the keyboard and put it in another room as far away as possible, in a cupboard. The impulse to get online will then have to overcome the trouble needed to re-connect.
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It takes a while to learn discipline..


To Do lists like you said, are a good way to list what you should do... the best way to tackle a list is to put them in the order of easiest to hardest... or number them to reflect this. That way, you can get the easy stuff out of the way first and feel good about yourself for doing things!


As for being organised... get a file or something like that and start keeping them in a good order... that's what I do for all of my receipts and payment records (well I'm in admin so I guess work habits are transferred to my home life), but then you can find exactly what you need!!


Are you guys on dialup or broadband? Maybe your parents can password the internet so you can't log on... then if you want to use it, they can type in the password for you..

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