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Well heres my situation..There is this guy at my skool and I guess he really likED me alot and he would call me everyday after school and we would talk for like 4 hours straight or until my mom told me to get off. I can admit that I did like him alot too, but I had just been through a really bad break-up and I often took my anger out on him . I dont know why I did but I did .. Anyways, he asked me out repeatedly I said no because he was shy to talk to me he would only look at me not say hi and that really got me "upset" but he said he would make up for all those times he would finally talk to me he wanted to spend time with me and he WALKED all the way to my house which was like a 1 hour walk and everyone calling him crazy. we had alot of fun that day , so i finally said yes to him.



3 days later I dumped him because I didnt really feel too good about my decsion I was afraid it would be like my last relationship and that got to me. We were dating from Friday to Sunday and at school the next day , I would have to say things went pretty good. He said that he still loved me and, he told everyone he was going to get me back. I felt like he really did like me as much as he said and I was happy that he was going to make an effort to change my mind about things.




The following week I heard that he began dating another girl. I was VERY jealous about this and I was "upset" because I asked him if he liked her before but he said NO and the way he said it made me feel like there was no chance for her..I WAS DEAD WRONG. So then he all of a sudden didn't really talk to me again he seen me but he just tryed to play it off and look somewhere when he saw me look towards him. I was very sad and I regreted liking him in the first place. To add to that girl started giving me dirty looks but I had to play it off to everyone and say "haha who cares she got my 'leftovers' .. " I thought me and her were cool before that though. It hurt me so much to see them together to see them hugging in the corner , and i was thinking...he would never even try to do any of that with me.



I have no doubt in my mind that he liked me more then her I remember when he would stare at me for like 20 seconds straight and he wouldnt be focused on anything else but me , not anymore though. People are saying that they think shes just his rebound but I dont know what to think. Everyone is saying "she took your man beat her up" . I only laugh it off though. Now me and his gf are cool we say hi and we have like 2 min. conversations everythings all good.



Right now I feel sad that he wont talk to me .. when we see each other sometimes he'll say "you suck =P" and i'll say it back kiddy things like that but no matter what I do he really doesnt want to conversate...but i notice we just stare at each other sometimes...I dont know what that means but we do. At times I see him and his gf together and I get a sick feeling but I try to get over it. I want to know why he might not be talking to me .. and he knows i like him i told him and he said "why would you lie and say you didnt" so i guess he cares? I dont know... I am happy for them and everything but I just want to know why I might be feeling like this.


I want to know from your point of veiw why you think he wont talk to me or why I feel so down about this whole thing...I hope I didnt confuse you at all .. thanks for your advice in advance



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heres the scoop, he really liked youand was attracted to you, when he opened up and tried to date you, you dumped him, basically shat on his heart. Eventhough it didnt hurt you he was hurt, at this point he found somone who appreciates him and doesnt think he will be ther no matterwhat. As in changing her mind abotu dating him and so on and so forth. He is man enough to say he doesnt need you and stand up for him self. In the adult sense of the word, if you were older and grown up, he would probably still sleep with you and then probably use you and try to play with your emotions. Because at thispoint in a guys eyes you can not be trusted again, and you shouldnt be. So learn from your mistake and dont play with guys hearts. Iwas young once and I experienced a similar situation. It hurts... even at a young age.


Then again, he might eventually fall for you again, but right now he has definitly put up some walls against you.

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I agree sort of with pavpp21, about how you totally confused this guy. You knew the whole time how you felt obviously, he wouldn't though have a clue after you broke up so quickly. His first suggestion would probably be that you can't decide what you want. His little comments like you suck, even though maybe meant as a joke, probably reflect a bit of truth. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. You learn from mistakes. Next time just try to make it more clear how you feel. goodluck

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