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Ok so I'm really really starting to like my boyfriend a lot. like I've always liked him and had this little crush on him sense the first time I've met him but now that i've been dating him for almost 2 months and i've been hanging around him more and more it's like the crush is truning into more. It's not oh he's cute anymore, it's oh he's so sweet. and things like that.


I'm a little freaked out cause I know that im starting to fall for him, and I can't stop it. I tell myself to not like him so much cause im afraid of being hurt and it works for little while until that feeling comes around again. It's like he can be such a guy and by that I mean annoying and sometimes a little too joking, but at the same time he can be the sweetest person in the world.


the main reason im freaked out is because I don't want to start showing how much I really care about him...ahhhh it's been eating at me all day and I don't know what's wrong.


is this normal to start to feel like this when you start to really care????

anyone to talk to about this would be great.

thanks all.


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Stop it? Stop it? Why would you want to stop it!!!


I bet you feel almost on a high from the feeling you have right now... and yes, you are falling for him, but if he feels the same way about you, don't stop yourself!! It's a wonderful feeling to realise that the person you are with is someone you never want to let go of!


Hey - all guys can be annoying. Just as we can be annoying to them.. so don't stress on it. Have faith in him that he isn't going to leave, as he probably has the same faith in you..

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Seriously, go with it. Yes, everyones scared to be hurt. I cried for like 6 months straight after my ex left me. And then it took another 6 to get over her. It hurts so bad! But you cant let that fear of pain dominate you. Brave it! Who knows where it will take you.


Youve been with him a while i think its great you are feeling this way! I have a feeling sooner or later you will make the commitment in your head to be with him or not. And when you decide to let go and love him as much as you really want its going to be the greatest feeling ever!


Good luck to you, and PM me if you wish. I know how sometimes our brains can concentrate on so many things and it can be messy. If it would help to talk, i always have the time

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yeah you guys are right, it is a good thing. I'm just scared cause well he shows he cares about me through things that he does, he's not that vocal about it and I am, so Im worried that if I start to show it too much or if I slip up and actually tell him that i love him that I might freak him out cause I dont' know if he feels the same way.


I do know he cares about me just because when we get in fights he's uaually the first one to come and talk to me about it ( with the exeption of last time but he was happy to talk to me about it when I came to him). and like another example is how much he hates barn dancing and stuff like that and he's going with me on halloween cause he knows I love it, and another thing is how much he knows I hate certin things that he's been doing (a drug) and he finally understands how much it really freaks me out and how badly I don't want him to do it and just because of me he's stopping.


so I don't know, I want to say something to him cause I have a feeling that he could feel the same way, but Im not totally sure yet. eh it's odd.

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Some people are more vocal then others. I am very vocal with that stuff man. Some people just arent (which is ok if they show you in other ways) but sometimes people are nervous also. I say say it!! You want to! I can tell by the way you are talking here! Sometimes we can think about stuff too much. Screw it. Go for it.


Haha, life is full of these little risks!

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