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I'm finally "GETTING" it.....

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Hey all....


Tonight, like MANY MANY MANY nights over the last few months..I had the URGE to contact my ex...and of course tried rationalizing a reason. In the past the reasons were pretty ridiculous. Tonight I was going to mail him about what he's doing for Halloween..when it dawned on me that I REALLY don't care what he's doing..lol. It doesn't matter..I won't be with him, so why do I care? I drafted the email and read it...about 3 times....

so I decided to NOT send it, but to see how I feel by the next holiday. LOL.


Now that might not sound like such a newsworthy or important deal...but for ME it is a very important step. This is the first "holiday"..aside from 4th of July (which I don't consider) since our "break". So the holidays especially Thanksgiving and Christmas..will be a true test f where I am emotionally. I am hoping I will be able to start my New Year free of this whole dilemma. That's my resolution


Anyway..I feel pretty proud of myself....

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The holidays are always tough right after a break-up but ya know how the holidays are always over too fast??? Well it will be over soon. Anyway, I went through that last year.(first holiday w.out bf of four years!!!) and it hurt..but once I got through it it made jan on out seem a lot easier and before I knew it, i wasn't thinking about him anymore. It was right when I stopped thinking about him and started having fun again that he tried to come back too so watch out for that. Anyway, stay strong and good job not calling. It easier said that done and always tough to resist!

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