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Testing Paranoia

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Just got back from first ever HIV test.


My new g/f asked me to take the test since she would like to go on the Pill.


Anyway while I can vouch for my own behaviour in the past this hasn't stopped me getting totally paranoid about the test results.


I mean I was until April I was in a long term relationship for 4 years and had frequent unprotected sex with my partner. When she broke the relationship off she insisted that there was no-one else involved but how can you be sure about the other person??? I have long suspected that she may have been unfaithful and she had plenty of time and opportunities to be.


I know that prior to that relationship I was 100% clean as I was a frequent blood donor and blood i screened for HIV.


So the next few days will be tense for me. Of course equally I dont want to panic or freak my current g/f with my fears and anxieties.


So thoughts/advice and warm words much needed


The Doc

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Well, as I said before, this is more a precaution for both of you (I hope she is taking one too!) and while strenous, I think the testing process is just making you more anxious then really your sexual history would account for.


No, you can't be SURE about your ex, but even if she was unfaithful, the chances are still "fairly" low. Your chances for other STIs - gonorrhea, chlamydia, however are higher so I hope you are getting checked for those as well? If she was unfaithful, given the high rate in the general population of some of these, it would be almost guaranteed you may have gotten them (and not had any symptoms).


And given that you are a frequent blood donor, they DO test every batch of blood they take from you every time for HIV and other infections. If the blood was tainted, they would of contacted you and told you to go see a doctor (at least that is what they must do in Canada). Reminds me, I have not given blood in a while - hard for me to go with the distance and my schedule these days...


Breathe, relax, work out and try and take your mind off of it as there is not much you can do until you hear back from the clinic. I am sure you will be fine. And if she is as good as you have told me, I am SURE she will understand if you need to talk to her and vent about your anxiety!



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You're not the only one who's had that response to an HIV test even if you are mostly sure you're fine. I've gone through the same thing (even when I got tested after a year of complete celibacy!), and pretty much everyone I'm good friends with who's gotten tested has the same reaction. They fixate on that one time the condom broke or they didn't use one or whatever and they get themselves worked up into a state for nothing because it turns out they're fine.


Chances are that you ARE fine. In the meantime, try not to think about it by keeping yourself busy & distracted. If you catch yourself thinking about it, purposely think about something else and remind yourself that you probably are OK and on the slight chance you're not, you will deal with it when (and IF) the time comes.

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Your chances are slim that you could have HIV. Anyone can get it, but generally most who get it in developed nations are still within the risk groups or have sex with people in the risk groups. The further you get form the risks groups, the less likely you will get it. You don't know if your ex was out having sex with an IV drug user or someone in another risk group, but how likely would it be for her to pick someone from a risk group as a partner.


This does not make your chances, none. People of all kidns get it, but it does lower the chances.


Your chances of getting another STD, such as herpes, chlamydia, HPV, gonorrhea, syphllis, hepatitus B, etc. are greater.


I am jsut amazed at the vast array of things we can get from fooling around. Yikes. Good incentive for me to be monogamous.

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Ive been thinking that my fiance and I should get this done.... We have been together for over 5 years and we have only (hopefully) been with each other during this 5 years. I was only with one other person, and he said he has been tested before...


I was just wondering though... say someone had HIV but had never been tested... wouldnt they start feeling symptoms?


I always get paranoid and think what if I have HIV but I dont get tested, I would never know.. but you think you would still know something was up with your body wouldnt you?

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Well of course re: symptoms you worry don't you?


Apparetly you get flu-like symptoms 3-4 weeks after, but then return to normal health.. but then how would you know it wasn't just flu or a bad cold?


Well I have another 48 hours to wait and I am getting more nervous and paranoid.


The only thing I have to worry about is whether my ex cheated on me or not and if she did whether she was stupid enough to have unprotected sex. That is the only way I could have contracted HIV... otherwise I am in the clear. God makes me wish I had given my usual Christmas blood last year now.


Someone said it takes 6 months to show in the blood but the Doc I saw yesterday said 6 weeks?


Any thoughts/comments etc

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What about 'other' complications??


E.g. Yeast infections, urinary tract infection, general irritation? I assume these things can be transmitted via sex? I also heard that antibiotics can trigger yeast infections? Had to take strong dose of antibiotics 2 weeks ago and had minor irritation and soreness since then.


Any advice (feel free to send me personal message) gratefully received. I'm living abroad and while most of the doctor's speak english they are not fluent enough to always communicate everything I want to, to them.



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