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Stalking?? What to do about it?

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Yeah so I have like a stalker. But its only when its at school basically. I was at my high school's football game and my stalker was there and when she like found me, she started to walk beside me and my friend when we were walking and like she was like smiling and ****. She's extremely infatuated, its really bad.


And like I was hanging with my friends on the side away from the bleachers and like she comes up behind me, trys to touch me and like asked me some question and it scared the living **** out of me and basically I told her to go away or I'd pull out my cell right now and call the police. Then she like left me alone...for a short while, then she like came back and was trying to talk to me...I was going to call the cops but, I forgot at the time because my friends were like "Wow man, what's her problem?" and my friends were laughing but yeah they told me they felt bad for me near the end of the game because she wouldn't leave me alone . This is so frustrating, I'm like about to do a restraining order except my parents won't do one because they don't want to spend the $ . When I was just chattin' with my friends she like would stare at me from afar and just keep staring. It was like a creepy *** Micheal Jackson stare or something . Basically that was it for the game, she kept staring and stuff. Then as I was leaving, in the parking lot she would be looking at me and like would be wondering where I'd be going so yeah I went away from her and like hid behind some cars and she like left me alone I guess I have no idea where she went. But then yeah I got a ride from my friends and I was hella relieved.


Should I call the police or something? Restraining order? I have no clue what to do. I've informed my parents.....help me out here this is really scaring me.

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ditto to what belladonna said. Talk to a school official. Tell the girl that you are not interested and that she needs to knock it off.


BTW - a restraining order doesn't cost any money. I know, because I had to take one out myself. However, you'd be surprise - sometimes, all that needs to happen is for an adult to talk to her about it, and it will make her behavior stop.


good luck

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I had a stalker, from school that extended to my home. I put up with it for 6yrs before my friends finally pushed me down to the principals office and had a cop talk with him. I tried being nice forever because I felt bad...wrong move. When the cops talked to him he stopped for a little while then started again. The principal even kept an eye on him and he got sent to the office again this time I was there and they spoke for me and said if he did it again a restraining order would be put into action. I felt really bad, but he bugged the hell outta me. Conviently now him and one of my really good friends are together. They got together right around the time of the restraining order threat so i thought it was some weird elaborate way to get to me. Turns out they really like each other go figure. Only problem my friend still tells me he talks about me, and how he likes me. Oh I haven't seen him in almost two years now but every now and again I get a random IM.


Hope that helps.... it means go to someone at school. They can put the restraining order up than your parents won't have to.

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Interesting. Makes me wonder if she is a disturbed individual or someone gave her advice. Over the years I've witnessed a couple individuals who were excessive in their attention towards a love interest. Of course, it turns out (or so they said) someone insisted they just continue persisting until the other person gives in and the "chase and challenge" is over and everything works out. That is the major issue that makes me wonder. Because one is more simpler to deal with than the other.


If she is acting out on advice a friend gave her, you will need to have a rational talk with her. Explain that following your every move bothers you more than it can be considered attractive. You would prefer that she not do this if she is interested, and if it continues, it will most definitely not end in a relationship. Secondly explain you're not playing a hard to get or challenge game. If its sour advice being followed, she'll probably see the light and leave you alone.


Now, if she is not quite stable in the mental department, the talk doesn't go through. Police don't seem to discourage her much, and nonetheless if she is trying to touch you in an inappropriate manner (which is what concerns me the most here, as that itself is an offense beside the stalking and odd behavior), you'll have to approach both the Head of the School and Police Authorities. It won't be simple enough to push her away, unless their talk has some impact. You may end up having to get a restraining order in the end anyhow. If she is as disturbed as she seems, there isn't much that will stop her other than legal issues.


I do hope something works out for you, would be absolutely no fun having an infatuated stalker.

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