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I think he likes me...

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Ok, so theres this dude in one of my classes at work. I don't want to get my hopes up here, but here is the summary of what is going on.


Hes a really nice guy, and cute too... anyways, little things happen that lead me to believe he likes me. He always pulls out my chair for me when i walk into the room, he notices little things like me having my nails done or wearing a different jacket etc... we are always flirting with each other.. today we were kinda doing some group work, and he was leaning over so close to me, i mean if he would have turned his head and i woulda turned my head at the same time, we woulda been kissing. And then.. he's constantly making sexual comments too... I mean not like creepy or anything.. just being funny, and they are just funny, and harmless. He asks me questions like if I have a boyfriend or if I like guys.. lol. that was a funny one. And he always looks into my eyes. He has such nice eyes... Anyhow - I could go into all the details here, and if you would like the details, pm me, but i'm just going to keep it at that.


In any case, its driving me crazy, cuz I'm almost positive there is something there, but I don't want to act on it. Cuz, every time before when i act on these silly little crushes... it never turns out right. So I mean, I dunno. Maybe I should just stick to cats and forget about men all together.


OH, and before you get all hung up on the "working together" issue. Its really not going to be an issue at all. Its a big place and I doubt I will see the same people twice in one week. Besides that, this is only a temp job for me anyways, a month or two at most.


Well, any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again guys.

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