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Shaving down there....need womens opinion!!!

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OK...here's the deal. I trim downstairs as well as my chest/stomach and was wondering if women enjoyed a guy who took care of himself or if they like massive amounts of body hair....or they simply could care less either way.


I think body hair is nasty and I know these days most women completely shave or leave the "landing strip" as they say. I figure most fellas don't want to go searching thru mounds of hair to find the goods.....so why not give women that same treat?


I'm an avid gym goer so shaving my arms is another thing I like to do....well....cause I think itlooks nice that way and actually from what I have seen...the ladies like it too. But the few who don't always seem to play the gay card or the newest...."metro" card.


Can a guy really not take care of himself, like to be clean-cut, dress nice, ect.....does it really strike that many women as odd?


Anyways....my point is....ladies, do you lose your mind and think the husband or SO is a fairy if he decides to trim up down yonder?



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I like a guy who TRIMS - around his pubic area definitely, and what he does after that is up to him. My current partner trims down there (sometimes shaves, but I prefer it trimmed honestly!) and sometimes trims his chest hair too for fun. He keeps everything else...I do like some hair I admit as its manly to me...though he is a cyclist too so if he shaved his legs that would be fine.


I have dated swimmers and cyclists who shaved anything from just their legs to their entire bodies (I'm a cyclist so it seemed pretty normal to me!) but it DOES turn some women off I am sure. But really, if a women turned you away for that, maybe she is not right?


Most men I know trim the pubic area these days at least, some shave, some don't do anything...but I prefer a trim at least!


My brother shaves his arms...and he is gay, but I definitely don't associate that with being gay, if you want to do it..well, go for it. Some might find it odd, but others might not...I don't even know many girls whom do that so some may be a little weirded out at having more body hair then you

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Well.....I can see your point in regards to women being creeped out that you have less hair than them, but I'm thankfuly not all that bad.


I guess my main issue is with the select few that assume your less of a man because you shave your arms.....again....throwing the gay card.


I think another reason I get worked up about this is because my new found love always ribs me about it....and says "if you didn't like me...I'd swear you were gay". Then again she has told me that it's really sexy when my arms are "freshly shaven" so to speak...lol


I know I shouldn't really care in the end....just bugs me for whatever reason.



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I like it neatly trimmed so the hairs don't tickle my nose. I don't like it completely shaved off because then it is prickly. As for other hair such as on arms and legs, that doesn't bother me. I guess it's a personal preference, so I say if you like it all shaved off then more power to you!

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Arm and leg hair are extremely normal for men, but it's the amount of chest and back hair that's the deal breaker sometimes. I have both, and while it's not a shag carpet it is indeed noticeable. My previous two gf's have been unphased by it where I thought they'd hate it, and most women actually prefer some hair as it makes you more manly (or so they say).

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Thanks for the replies all......I don't completely shave down yonder....I do a nice trim, even things out. I don't shave under my arms or my legs, ect.....just arms....and again...trim my chest


I guess in the end all is good.....just bothers me when the person I fell in love with (and her to me as well)....always drops the "metro" line and states "I have never been with a guy that shaves his arms"....what's the big fricken deal I tell her. Until you walk in on me with a cack in my mouth (which would never happen by the way)....hush up woman with the gay references...LMAO!!!


Thanks again all....you rock!!



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