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What do you guys think of my poem? It's kinda long

Sam _

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Does anyone know how it feels to not be wanted?

When the sun won't shine on you

and the night won't even give you a reply


When it rains it's as if you walk between the drops,

refusing to fall on your shoulders

nothing needing you except the tears that fall from your eyes


It's so sad to always be alone

waiting for someone to outstrech a hand

the need for contact with others

a need to make me feel complete


I'm resigned to take comfort in others

people who I see daily but are not here

movies, television, CD's, and books have always been there

but they will never help remove my tears


If I open the door and ask for someone to come in,

would they enter or would they just walk by?

I feel as if I'm just coasting through my life,

waiting for my trun to die.



What do you think of my poem?

What would be a good name for it? I can't think of one.

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Excellent poem! I also know how you feel, the endless loneliness and the hours of waiting for life to pass you by. For almost a year my idea of "social interaction" was going to the store to get groceries. It took me years of trying to change along with a 2000 mile move... If you're really feeling this way and you want to change it, there are some things you can do but it does take work. My best suggestion is the bar, not to drink but to learn. The bar is one of the biggest promoters of social interaction and by watching this interaction you'll start to learn and participate. Again, don't go to drink there, you won't learn doing that, just have a coke and sit back and watch. You'll see some pretty amazing things.


Anyway, if you want to talk more about that just let me know. As far as a title for the poem, maybe something like "Someone to Wipe My Lonely Tears" or "Teardrop in the Puddle of Loneliness." Maybe even "A Lonely Tear's Plea."

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This smile is coming from inside of my heart,

You showed me the light from being so dark.


I am so glad that we met you really do shine,

You made me move on after all of this time.


You are a great friend and I want to hold you near,

You make me feel safe and I no longer have fear.


I am no longer down depressed and isolated,

I am no longer hurt abused and suffocated.


I light up when you come around for a day,

I smile because of all the things that you say.


You respect me and the time that I need,

Hopefully oneday you will be mine indeed.

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