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Can't Stop Picking Skin and scabs!!

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Right I know this sounds really weird but i have a huge problem....


.......i cant stop picking the skin around my nails on my fingers. I end up ripping huge chunks off for no reason. if theres a piece of skin coming off I just cant leave it. I also do it to my lips- like when theyre dry il pick little bits off skin off until they bleed. I really want to stop but most of the time I dont even realise that Im doing it!!


It really gets me down because my lips always look red, sore and scabby. I tend to do it when i'm concentrating so I dont realise!


I managed to stop for 2 whole weeks before my prom because i knew id have lots of photos so i let my lips heal and they looked perfect. I also stopped picking my fingers as I got my nails done I wanted them to look great. Then the day after it- i started again. Its driving me mad- and my mom is always telling me to stop lol- she and my sister also pick their fingers? I think it runs in the family lol!!


Do I have a disorder? and does anyone have any advice for stopping this destructive behavior??


Any suggestions would be appreciated


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I really suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible before it gets any worse. I'm sure the doctor has seen this before and can give you something to help you in the healing process. If you keep it up it could get worse and infected and make things allot worse and can cause long term scaring.


Please pick up the phone and get yourself an appointment







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Do I have a disorder? and does anyone have any advice for stopping this destructive behavior??


This a nervous response you're exhibiting. It is likely the result of anxiety. I bet that most the time you don't even realize you're doing it. It's a physical response which temporarily releives some type of tension.


Behaviors like this are not that uncommon. The most common form of it tends to be nail biting, or people constantly playing with their hair and/or pulling it out.


In your case, targeting your fingers and lips tends to be more destructive to your body, and noticeable. This can result in infection and scarring.


I agree that you should tell your doctor immediately. It is likely they will suggest one or more of the following:


*medication for anxiety

*therapy to releive anxiety


In the meantime, do some self-research. Keep a journal and see if you can find out what the "triggers" are for this behavior. For instance, do you tend to do it after a stressful event, do you do it when you watch TV, etc.




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I am nearly 50 and have always ripped at the skin around my cuticles. I am a very calm person and think thats how any anxiety comes out. For instance, when I watch my favorites sports team play on TV, I put gloves on so I want end up with bloody fingers. One thing that helps the finger ripping is to use lots of moisturizer and then use cuticle trimmers to cut your cuticles away....granted, you may just start working on another part of your anatomy.


Try getting a pair of those relaxation balls to play with in your hands (those small metal balls that have some kind of chime in them...its an oriental kinda thing). They work!

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I hate when my lips are all scabby and dry. I would tear at them too...I use chapstick to make them smoother and then I won't pick at the dry skin. Now, of course, I have a habit of always applying chapstick. I also bite my nails and teh skin around them like crazy...they are all habits. Just hav to find a way to break them. If you like to chew on things (my problem)...chew gum! I know that can help.

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