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I'm not sure if this is in the right forum but here it goes

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I am a virigin, but I want to know how come so many of my friends have casual sex and do not get pregnant? Is there a secret, a method used? Do women usually just use birth control? morning after pill? what is it? how can people have sex over and over again without getting pregnant? Also, in this day in age for someone in mid 20's not to have sex, is that a real turn off for guys? would guys date a girl who does not have sex? what about oral? fingering? etc. do people do these instead of real sex (penis in vagina)?

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I am a virigin, but I want to know how come so many of my friends have casual sex and do not get pregnant? Is there a secret, a method used? Do women usually just use birth control? morning after pill? what is it? how can people have sex over and over again without getting pregnant? Also, in this day in age for someone in mid 20's not to have sex, is that a real turn off for guys? would guys date a girl who does not have sex? what about oral? fingering? etc. do people do these instead of real sex (penis in vagina)?


I think saving yourself is an admirable quality that shows you won't back down to peer pressure.


As for your friends - contraception of some kind is almost certainly the case.

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Well the girls I know who are fertile did end up pregnant at some point. A female friend of mine who was very active as a teen and really always loved and wanted children is the only one of my friends who does not have any children. It appears she won't ever have them naturally if at all.


So I really can't answer your question. Aside from those who don't get pregnant most likely aren't the most fertile of the group.

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most guys like girls who are not experienced. If you want to reduce the chances of pregnancies, then you need to use contraceptives (there are many types such as condoms, birth control, and much much more).


Most guys might pressure girls to having sex, but you should only do what you are comfortable doing with that person. I think foreplay is the best way to discover about sexuality rather than just jumping head first into sex.

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Well if the woman is saving herself for marriage that, in my opinion, is not something I would want. If a woman has had many partners, I wouldn't want that either.


I say I wouldn't want to be with a woman saving herself for marriage because of 2 reasons.


a) I am NOT getting married and then finding out if we are sexually compatible or not.


b) Would be too much to deal with mentally to be honest.

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Also, in this day in age for someone in mid 20's not to have sex, is that a real turn off for guys? would guys date a girl who does not have sex?


No, it isn't a turn off and yes I would a date a girl like that. I don't understand how people seem to have sex so casually. I don't disrespect them for that choice. I just wouldn't do it so casually. Contraceptives of all kinds work in preventing pregnancies. So, with all the wonders of modern medicine afforded to those who choose to have sex so often, they can do so without (great) fear of a resulting pregnancy. Now there's always possibilities of the condom breaking and what not, but generally contraceptives of all sorts do their job faithfully.



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Actually, condoms are only 80% effective in preventing pregnancy


When used correctly


If you're on the pill, that's 99% effective. Coupled with condoms, you would be pretty safe.


Do you really dig casual sex?


If you're just looking for sexual pleasure, a vibrator is going to be cheaper and you won't have to worry about condoms or STD's.


If you're looking for intimacy, a long term boyfriend is what you're looking for

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dark blue I'm sorry but I jsut read that link and I think it has to be one of the most inacurate failure rates I have ever seen. Also they failed to note that the failure rate is based on typical and imprefect use for a full year of regular sex not just one time. From the FDA:


Male Condom, Latex/Polyurethane 11%


Oral Contraceptives--combined pill 1%


Oral Contraceptives--progestin-only minipill 2%


Oral Contraceptives--91-day regimen (Seasonale) 1%


Patch (Ortho Evra) 1%


Vaginal Contraceptive Ring (NuvaRing) 1%


Injection (Depo-Provera) less than 1%


Injection (Lunelle) less than 1%


Implant (Norplant) less than 1%


IUD (Intrauterine Device) less than 1%


sterilization less than 1%


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There are plenty of extremely effective methods of contraception. Condoms serve nearly flawless protection against STD so that is their real function and why most women use them while on the pill. Even if you were having regular sex and trying to get pregnent it tkes 3 months on average.

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