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OK here goes......... My boyfriend and I have been together almost 7 months. We have so much fun togehter,and are always togehter. We have cheated on each other once and worked everything out and now we're closer than ever..... He says he cares about me and I really care about him. He tells me that he loves me when he's been drinking and wont' say it in person, so I dont' say it either. I worry because I am his first girlfriend and he tells me he is happy with me, but gets confused sometimes.... but he doesnt' want to break up. He has also told me before that he can't promise we'll be together forever, because things can happpen... I worry too much anyway so I duno what i should do or say or not worry..... I need help....... I don't wana break up........ but I am not sure what else to do

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I think that this is going nowhere.If he already has the idea that"anything can happen",then I think he is doubting your relationship.I personly think he doesn't know what he wants,and is scared of being alone.This is the reason for not wanting to break up..


I think you need to ask him where he thinks your relatioship is going,and if he does not give you the answer you are looking for,then "hit the road Jack"....My opinion!!

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Well, the fact is you are both VERY young, and have little experience and are both still growing...given those facts, I don't think it's surprising in the least he cannot promise you you will be together forever.


Dating is about exploring ourselves, relationships, others and learning what we need, want, learning relationship skills, whats right, what is not.


While there are of COURSE exceptions, I don't know many couples who met as teens whom are happy or together many years later.


It sounds like he is not sure you are the right one for HIM. That does not mean there is anything wrong with you, it just means for him, it's not a fit and there is something missing. But really, isn't there something missing for you too - don't you want someone whom can tell you he loves you even while sober AND to your face? Who is sure tht he wants a future with you?

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it just really worries me because I have been in relationships before and this one feels different, so I know what I want... But I duno if he's just scared becuz I am his first girlfriend. At this young of age, it is hard to say that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. HE has told me before that sometimes he lays in bed at night and cries because he is afraid someday I wont' care about him anymore. So I duno.... it just worries me sometimes.

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