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Im at the 6month mark of being split up.......cheer me up !!

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Im at the 6month mark of being split up............


N/C for about 4months I think.....


miss her like crazy ......


staying stong with N/C

just still want that text out of blue, im watching the phone less now tho, just wish it would happen.


any good stories at this mark or after ............ getting back together etc


or just anyone


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Breaking up is always hard, we all know that. Over time you will stop watching the phone even less. Its not really un-common to not have feelings still for your ex when you break up. After sharing that bond, no matter for a short or long period of time, you come to think that you dont want to start over. Nobody knows you like that one person you have grown so comfortable with and share so much with.


As time passes you will not spend anytime together, as you said you have not been in contact, and you will learn that your ex has not been around for so long that they dont really know you anymore. Not as much at least. You will randomly think of things that remind you of things you did or things you said while you were together. Just remember the relationship as a good one so you dont look back on it and think poorly of your ex. It will take some time, but it will happen.


It took me close to 5 years to get over an ex of mine and every one told me the same thing and I thought they were crazy.....I was in love forever. And one day I realized that I am waiting to spend my life with someone who doesnt want to be with me anymore and I am so miserable about it. So instead of waiting for him to come back I should be my own person and have fun. Didnt have to have a boyfriend right away, but stop limiting myself of things I do because of my constant thought of him. Eventually, I found another boyfriend and everything worked out. But that was a long 5 years and I know how you feel.


Eventually it will happen. Unfortunately, there is nothing that I can say or do to make you get over your ex, it is a self healing process. So its up to you how long you will *watch the clock* ,so to say, because everyone is different.


Maybe you might get back together too. Some people just need time apart from their significant other to realize how much they really do love them and miss them so terribly in that stage. Maybe she just needs sometime. Try randomly contacting her without calling or making it seem like you desperate. If you know some place that she hangs out or something, show up there with some of your friends. Make sure that you make eye contact, even have a short conversation, but dont make it seem like you have been dwelling over her for months. That might *scare her away*. If she randomly sees you and sees that you are doing good, she might come back to you. Make sure in your converstion you try to slip in how you have been and in a non-chalant way, give her a way to contact you. i.e. I bowl every thursday night, or still living in the same house but I just remodeled.......or something like that. But not coming out and saying here is my number call me. Unless she asks for it then your good.


Make sure you really think about that though and know that you can handle the rejection again if you make the effort to do that and she wont even look at you. That might make this process of getting over her even worse on you. So make sure that you are prepared for both angles.


There is someone out there for you, as every one has a soul mate. But until you find that one special person, dont beat yourself up about it and have fun while you can! I wish the best of luck to you and hope I could brighten your day alittle bit!!

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