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a lil help on cuming

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Be careful with the extended pleasure condoms. I have had a few bad experiences with them.

They make your penis go numb. NUMB. Like the dentist just shot novacane in your penis. Not only will this almost tottally destroy any sexual pleasure you get, but it can also end in one of these two ways that happened to me.


1. Your penis goes limp inside of her and you don't even realize it because it is numb. Only when it falls out or your girl asks you what happened will you even notice.

2. Your having sex and your girl has an orgasm.....then you keep having sex...and keep having sex....and keep having sex. Eventually her vagina starts to get sore....but you keep having sex. Only when you are totally 110% physically exhausted do you finnally give up without climaxing.

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I've read this in multiple places.


You know when your going pee, you can flex a certain muscle to stop peeing? Well, flex that muscle while sitting around the house, driving, in class ect. No one can notice you doing it. Its supposed to strength and make you last longer.


Also, when you fill like your about to cum, reach down and pull your testies gently downward.


Last, "do it yourself" with a condom on.


I've heard all of those work...

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When you think your going to cum, come out of her and wait until the feeling has subsided and then try again. Keep doing this technique and you should be able to control yourself eventually.


Another technique is for you or you gf to press the thumb on the top and your finger underneath the head. Like a clamp sort of thing. This reduces the feeling. I've done this with my husband before and it works.


Finally, when you're alone masturbate. When you're about to come stop. Let the feeling die down and then start again. Practise makes perfect.


Don't worry about not being able to last or you'll make things worse.


Good luck.

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