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Ok, my G/F and I have been having problems, she did not call for like a week so I called and was like "Whats Going On?" She told me she was sorry and would call me in a few days, Its been another week and nothing. I plained on calling her in a few days and yelling her that things need to change now. Just a note we have been going out four months. I read her online journal today, she posted saying she was going to have a hard week because one of her best friends was in a car crash that killed the dad, and put the mother is bad shape, and the friend is ok shape. Then her next door neighboor, a close friend of her mothers and a famiy friend, died of a hart attack. I can't break-up with her now, thats for sure. I have not talked to her in over a week and don't feel it right to call now. I don't really now if I so just 100% back off what. I mean the stuff that must be going though her head right now. If we were not having problems, this would be different, but seeing we are not on best of terms, I am lost in what to do. Please help. Thanks![/i]

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I know it's not fair on you but please wait until a better time to break it off.


When I wanted a divorce from my 1st husband his father died. I couldn't tell him what I wanted because he was already suffering from grief. So out of loyalty I stayed for months.



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Did she mention any of this to you personally about the problems she's having? . It sounds you had to read it all online in her journal. She sounds she feels it's not right for you to get in her business by knowing what's going on. . Leave her alone then until she get's her stuff straight

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Did she mention any of this to you personally about the problems she's having? . It sounds you had to read it all online in her journal. She sounds she feels it's not right for you to get in her business by knowing what's going on. . Leave her alone then until she get's her stuff straight


Ok, yes I did read it online, I am a "reader" on this, along with many of her friends. If is was none of my biz she would not have posted it. I am her B/F, you recomed I just call her anyway. You are saying I shouldn't even know about it, so.... I also said she as not called me in weeks, she would not cal anyway.

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She knows how to contact you and if she feels like it, she will. So, there's really not much you can do except to decide whether or not you're willing to wait and give her time to process all of this stuff she's going through. I think the best you can do if you want to continue the relationship is to send her a nice note saying you support her and are there for her and hope to hear from her. Otherwise, if you don't want to continue the relationship then let her know soon...giver her a little time but don't put off the inevitable if that's what it is.

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Hey ysitsohard, If your not on the best of terms now and all this is going on. Don't know the reasons for that. But I would give her space and let her deal with it on her own. If she wanted too, she would of informed you what's up personally about her situation, she wants to be left alone. Leave her alone.

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