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Before the internet...how did people get through this?

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I've been coming here and reading the posts for a few weeks now, (although I only found the strength to tell my story yesterday). I have plenty of friends who have been looking after me, and I love them so much for their support but apart from the few who have been in similar positions their advice is usually the same..."just move on, he's not worth worrying about". They mean so well but as we all know it's not that easy. To be able to come here and see that other people are going through the same kind of heartache and hurt.. to see that they get through it and come out as better, stronger people...THAT to me is inspirational.

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I've been coming here and reading the posts for a few weeks now, (although I only found the strength to tell my story yesterday). I have plenty of friends who have been looking after me, and I love them so much for their support but apart from the few who have been in similar positions their advice is usually the same..."just move on, he's not worth worrying about". They mean so well but as we all know it's not that easy. To be able to come here and see that other people are going through the same kind of heartache and hurt.. to see that they get through it and come out as better, stronger people...THAT to me is inspirational.


I agree, before finding places like this my emotions were all over the place and I was acting out on impulses that I felt at the moment. This site has made me stand back a little and not try to fight so hard at convincing someone they're not doing the right thing.


Only you know if you should worry or move on or whatever. depending on your situation.

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Isn't it? Refreshing to know we never walk alone.


wonder about how many people actually get back tohether with the person they love after they've been dumped and how long it took and the reasons why.


I'm under the impression that most people can walk away from others pretty easily and once they find something to do with their time and something that makes them happy they wont be thinking of their ex anymore.


In my case, im feeling that yeah she'll think of me but she'll finally be doing things for herself and not going out of her way for me anymore that she'll enjoy herself too much to even consider reconciling and working on a new start with me

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