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I'm thinking of breaking up with him but.....

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am I jumping the gun??


I have been with my boyrfriend over a year now. We split a couple of months ago and got back together after about a 3 week break.


When we got back together, it seemed like everything was good. We were trying to be careful about not falling back into old habits.


My current problem is this... he keeps breaking plans with me. We will have plans and he will either call me at the last minute and cancel or he'll keep me waiting or he'll act like I misunderstood what he said (um...girls remember everything! almost to a fault...


We had an incident a couple of weeks ago where we had plans and he overslept and then his baby's mom wanted to come pick up his son and then they got in an argument and that pretty much lasted all day. He finally came to my house that evening and he siad he was so sorry, he knows he has put distance between us and he wa sorry for that. He said he loved me and he wanted to keep me happy. He's never told me he loves me before like that. He never just comes out and says it.


Well we keep having situations like that where we'll make plans and he keeps cancelling for one reason or another. The "last straw" was Wed when we had a day planned and I went to pick him up and he texted me and said he was at the hospital. I kinda gave him crap about it and then I felt bad later so I apologized for acting selfish. Now he's mad at me because of my reaction so he decided just not to call me or return messages for the past 2 days.


If he was really sick, I feel bad but he can't keep making excuses (valid or not) and expect me not to say anything. It's making me feel like he doesn't want to spend time with me and that hurts my feelings. We have talked about this and he keeps telling me that it's going to get better but so far it hasn't. I don't know if I should give up on him or keep hoping he'll realize my tears aren't in vain and that it hurts when someone you care about seems to be so inconsiderate. At this point is there anything else I can do or say to remedy this or should I cut my losses and move on?


*sorry this got so long!*

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Sometimes people forget, yes, its happened to me in "serious" relationships- however, over a year together & he acts this way?!? Unless he bumped his head (many times) or has memory problems, I think he is making exscuses or like you said he is fallling back into old habits...


Was his "forgetfulness" the main reason behind your break up? i think if he continues to act this way, you need to please take a hint & wake up b/c you or anyoen in inyoursituationdeserves better- however, there could be other reasons, maybe he was sick.


Think about his usual behavior. Has he ever lied to you & you caught him- everyone tells white lies once in a while, but they count too! You really know him better than anyone here, follow your gut instincts. If you can't trust him, there is no real commitment/relationship.


I'm not telling you to leave him, although after that behavior for this long, I would probably be outta there. ..don't you think you can DO better than him?

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