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Should I e-mail her?

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A couple of weeks ago I left my job. However, there was this girl who worked in a different department who I really became attracted to over the last few months. We only spoke to each other about 4 or 5 times and I really felt like she was a very nice and interesting person to get to know, as well as being incredibly attractive. She is probably the first girl that I wasn't nervous talking to... after the 3rd try of course!


On my last day I tried and tried to ask her out but I never got the words out. We had a nice conversation about work and school and stuff but the words "you wanna go out for a donut and stuff" just could not come out of my mouth, mostly because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. I am pretty sure she doesn't knows that I like her, and I doubt the is attracted to me. But I want to ask her out, I don't care what she sez even if she called me an ugly baboon, I just want to give it a shot.


The only way I can do it is to e-mail her at her job. Is this a good idea or should I just leave well enough alone? I might be able to catch her on the bus going home, but being that I am not working at that job anymore, that opportunity may not come. Is the e-mail a good idea? Or should I send a huge bouquet of flowers with 3 acapella singers proclaiming my crush via singing telegram?



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I would ask her in person. Something similar happened to me. I got to know this guy really well over a summer and he had to go back to school. He came down one weekend out of the blue and showed up at my place of work to ask me out to dinner. I was flattered and psyched at the same time. We dated almost 2 years. definitely make a special trip to her workplace to ask her for coffee or something like that. Good luck.

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Kyo just freakin' ask already (and in person). You're wasting your time with these women if you never do anything about it. It's only going to make you feel worse and worse. And you of all people should know that. Just say it in a nice, calm, and collected manner. Say something like "hey, would you like to join me for some coffee/dinner/whatever. I'll be at so and so place from time to time." Set the date about a day or two later. Not too short notice or too long notice. Be calm. Don't worry if you look a little nervous. You gotta start somewhere Kyo. You won't be perfect the first time. PM me and we can talk more. I really want to help you with your situation.

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Go with the flowers and singers. How can she turn you down after that?


Of course you should ask her, and go down there to see her. You've got the right attitude, it doesn't matter what happens as long as you give it a try. Just stay calm and be friendly. Ask how shes been and ask if she wants to catch up over coffee, a dougnut, or something like that.


Come on man, you can do this.

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