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SO calling another girl by a "pet name"?

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SO here I am again.. yeah you'd think my relationship is disfunctional, and sometimes it is.. but oh well (thats only if you've read my other posts)




it's come to my attention that my boyfriend calls his friend, jeanette "doll". i know it may not be a big deal and this is why i'm asking... is it alright for your bf/gf to call opposite sexed friends by pet names? i always thought those kinds of names were just for you SO, but maybe im wrong?


oh and ps: my bf knows i really dont like this girl



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I would tell him that you don't like it when he calls this girl Doll and ask him to stop but really unless it is going beond pet names there is no harm in it. How long has he known her? If they have been friends for a while and he has always called her this then mabe it is just habit and he does it without realising it, if that is the case it will be harder for him to stop.

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I guess it depends on the context...my boyfriend calls a lot of girls he knows "chickie" I think because honestly, I think he does not even think about it, or forgets their names half the time. But I have a name to me all my own from him, that is not so much a "pet name" as a nickname which is special to me only. I have other friends (male and female) whom also call me by a nickname or two but they are just that - nicknames.


If it bothers you, why don't you talk to him about it in a non-confrontational matter, to let him know how you feel about it. You may find it really does not mean anything, or maybe it does...I don't know.

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I dont think its anything to really get worried about, but if it bothers you a lot just tell him about it. If he is constantly flirting with this girl that you don't like then you should probably keep an eye on him.


Yes, just tell him that it bothers you and drop it at that. Dont gnag on him about it, but plainly set him aside and tell him flat out it bothers you.

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It might just be that your bf is a fun kinda personality. The upside is you have a fun boyfriend and the downside is that you have to deal with his playfulness with other girls. Dont worry too much, but let him know that it bothers you. Maybe he will stop.

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I call a lot of my guy friends different names, sunshine boy, candy boy (cause he likes candy a lot) but it doesn't really mean anything. However I don't really do it in front of my SO as he might not understand. Of course I also call my gal pals cute names too so this is a bit tricky.....don't put too much on it unless he is really flirting a lot...........good luck

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Well, ok, so... since I HAVE read your other posts, I don't think it's a small deal at all. As far as I understand it:


1) This relationship just became long distance.

2) He doesn't call you often anymore

3) He refuses to switch cellular providers so you two can talk free

4) He's spending all this time with this new girl at college

5) He calls her doll...


I dunno.... something smells fishy here.....

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to annie24:


i appreciate all of your posts you've been making on my "stressful" and lame situation... thank u so much!


to clear things up though, our relationship has been long distance for a little over a year now (im in my 2nd yr at college).. but everything else you nailed. except i talked to him AGAIN about this girl and he said that he wouldnt hang out with her as much if it meant that much to me.. so thats good, but i've recently found out he talks to her on the phone.. ALL THE TIME. where as he told me that he could go a day without talking to me and he'd be okay... and that he thinks we dont need to talk more than once a day. i dont know? i think she might be the one calling him a lot.. but still. AH!


im trying to think positive thoughts and focus on the good things in our relationship.. but its hard sometimes.. but i really really appreciate your advice

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Have you ever met this Jeanette girl? How often do you and your bf see each other.


I understand your situation - it seems kind of maddening. I had tons of male friends back in college, and they would come over and study, and nothing ever happened. I didn't like them, and as far as I know... I don't think they liked me either. Their gfs knew where they were.


One such example - I was friends with one guy for years, he'd even come over to my apartment and we'd work on our homework together until 4 or 5 AM. NOTHING happened. He'd call his gf from my phone to let her know when he'd be home (they lived together). They broke up due to some of their problems after 2 years, and 6 months later, he asked me out.


So.... I don't know. I don't know what kind of girl Jeanette is. It's entirely possible they are just friends and that's it, but I dunno.... I think you should listen to your gut.

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