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I've had a rough time lately in life... People treat me like $*# everyday,,,, i guess its cause i'm highly sensitive,, and so they feel that they can Crap on me,,,,, and so they do..


I'm not sure whats going to happen to me,, but i just wanted to say that people are dicks!!!! Nobody cares enough about each other.!!!! And good people get crapped on in life because other people can deal with their own insecurities. What a joke,, I hope all those people who pick on others or put them down, just because they are sensitive, have the same thing happen to them.. $*#*!! people!!!


Yesterday was my birthday and people still treated me like crap....i'm done

i have never hurt anyone,,, and this is what i get in return. this world is a joke,,, a game



"people are strange, when your a stranger"

"faces look ugly, when your alone"

"women seem wicked, when your unwanted"

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Happy Belated Birthday!


Have you thought about talking to someone about things? It sounds like you may need to get some perspective on things and stuff you are having difficulites with. There is nothing wrong with talking to someone. Feel free to PM me anytime too.

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A few questions for you to ponder:


Are there no people in the world who truly care about others?

Did nobody donate food, money, time to try to help people in New Orleans, Thailand and other places?

Are there no people on this site who truly try to help and encourage others?

Are there no people on this site who truly want to see you happy and give you support?

Are sunsets not beautiful?

Is music not inspiring?

Have you told yourself how wonderful you are lately?

Have you told someone dear to you how wonderful they are lately?

Have you told someone who hurt you how they made you feel?

Have you given yourself the gift of watching a sunset, listening to music and helping others in need?

Have you given yourself the gift of love, for yourself and for others?

Have you laughed today?

Have you sung today?


We are all humans, with imperfections and glorious achievements. We're all in this together, even when we don't always have it together.


Happy birthday.

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I know exactly how you feel...


First I discovered most men are horrible and full of rubbish (by the way they treat women and life) and now I have discovered most women are horrible and full of rubbish...

I know they are generalisations - but what I mean is that most people only care about themselves, and very few are altruistic.

When you have mainly met/seen people who are selfish, shallow, materialistic, cold, artificial, then you can't help but believe everyone in the whole world is like this.

It is such a difficult and vicious cycle to break you believe that everyone is bad, so you don't even try meeting others; you wonder why you even bother being good when everyone else seems to get farther than you and more lucky by being bad; you wonder if ever you'll meet anyone of the opposite sex even as a friend let alone lover or partner; you become depressed, tired, exhausted, fatigued of the world; and then when the slightest beacon of hope appears, it seem to fade away just as quickly, and you find yourself heartbroken and even worse than before; you try and hope that there is goodness in the world, but you can't find it no matter the darndest you try; and so you give up trying and just stay in a self-fulfilling cycle of depression and darkness - repeating over and over again...


There are levels of horribleness - like those men that beat their partner & children up is one level, and that a man who has an affair maybe a different level... Who's to say that a cheat is less hurtful than an abuser? Perhaps you could run away from an abuser, but you'll never get over a cheat...


It's difficult for those that are interested in more than the daily grind, 9-5, token partner & car/house/kids/mortgage lifestyle to find anyone that isn't enraptured in the blue-pill materialism of this ever-deteroiating and selfishing world.

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I hear ya!


Sometimes being sensitive turns us inside out & we want to yell & scream & tell everyone to wake up- but, we don't b/c we are sensitive & worries how people will react, lol. I am not poking fun at you.


I guess there are difficult levels of sesitivity. We should all respect each other for our differences even if we don't agree or like them.


I have a ver difficult time understanding why people hate each other. Some people pick on me for being too touchy while others think its beautiful...I am sure someone you know or will meet will love your sensitivity & you'll finally fell appreciated and truly loved in return.


Happy belated birthday

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