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Older Woman and Younger Man

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I've never been attracted to a younger man before.... now I am and it feels weird.


Its a 6 year age gap... We are great friends at work but I believe its because there's an underlying thread of attraction neither of us want to acknowledge.


Do these kind of relationships even work? He's from a different world but we share similar likes and dislikes. I find him childish sometimes but on the whole I feel younger because of him.... Maybe I just need to hold on to the friendship and not complicate things...


Your thoughts are welcome

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I'm married to someone 11 years my junior. When we met I was 37 and he was 26, and I nearly dismissed him as "too young." Fortunately, he was persistent...in that way only young men seem to be. We've been together for 4 years (married 3.5) and it's been the greatest relationship either of us has been involved in.


In the situation you've described, I'd be more concerned about his co-worker status than the age gap. Dating/developing a romantic relationship with a co-worker is not a good idea....unless neither of you really cares about keeping that particular job.

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My ex is 9 years younger than I am. I loved him very much and still do. While a relationship can work with the age difference, you need to keep in mind that he is younger than you. He will make you feel younger, but he will also think younger. It took me a while to realize that in some ways he was still a "kid". But once I accepted that, then it was okay, and it didn't bother me.


However, shes2smart is right. You need to be concerned about starting a relationship with a co-worker. If things do not work out, it will be very difficult for you two to go to work every day and have to see one another.

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I am just starting a relationship with a man 11 years younger than I. At first I was holding back because of the age difference, but because of his persistence decided to give it a chance. I am now beyond the age difference because I do not feel or look like I am 37 and he has never had a problem with it. We just enjoy each other's company and feel like we could develop into a serious long term relationship. I would guess most younger men are attracted to older women because we are honest, confident and know what we don't want in a relationship.

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