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My ex and I have been broken up over a year and we have had this kind of off and on thing, but not for 6 months. She is involved in another relationship now.


The thing is we have remained friends except for the 2 months we didn't talk (NC initiated by me). After NC she started creeping back in my life and calling, while she was in another relationship.


She has given me lots of mixed signals, like calling every other day or every day. Telling me she is still attracted to me. Wanting to hang out then not showing up. Calling when she is having trouble with her relationship and crying to me and then saying she has never loved anyone more than me and that her life has gone downhill since we broke up.


Then other times she doesnt call me for a week, ignores me online, etc.


She broke up with me way back when, and I have tried to get her back a couple times and she didn't want to, and I know she loves who I have turned into,knows I am great relationship material now, but she chooses this other relationship where the person has no goals, does occasional drugs etc.


What is the best thing to do to get her to see what she is missing cause I really care for her.

Should I just drop her, change my #.


Should I remain friends with her while going myseparate way?


Should I just be distant while taking her calls sometimes, and act busy and uninterested?

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Next time she calls just tell her stright out man ! When she starts complaining say "If you're attracted to me and you've never loved anymore more than you've loved me then why are you not with me " ? Then just say you have to go and leave her with that for a while . Don't wait for an answer , just go .


Like I said before it sounds like garbage to me . She tells you these things so it MAKES you think she's still interested in you . This way you don't hang-up the phone when she calls you . You stay on the line and listen to her problems because it makes you think ( maybe if I listen to her problems and show her how much I care ) you have a chance of getting back with her .


I would just move on with my life . Start meeting new girls ! ! !



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