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Ok, I'm not sure where I should post this but I just kissed my best friend. She is female and I am too. It was only a peck on the lips because we were messing around I was trying to get my b/f to kiss me and she's like ooh ohh I want a kiss too. Usually I would go up and pretend to kiss her but I actually did it. The only reason it's bothering me is because now I'm turned on. I am straight...as far as I last knew but I admitted to her once that I have looked at girls in the sexual way before, and I wouldn't be opposed to experimenting. But I have a boyfriend now. He mentioned the idea of a threesome before to which I was opposed to because she is my best friend and I don't want things to get weird between any of us. Really I was just wondering if this makes me bi... I mean I have even had sexual dreams about her before too, and now that all I did was peck her lips and feel this way I don't think I would be opposed to the idea of a threesome anymore... Is this wrong?

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I would suggest you may have bi-sexual tendencies if it is getting you turned on. The real truth only in within you, and you have to be honest with you to figure it all out for real. I have know people that have hid things of that nature due to shame for 20 years or more. It can be complicated depending on who you tell. If it were me right now, a secret is not a secret if you tell someone, tell no one. Because if it gets around it might cause you serious problems, in your social arena. But I'm willing to bet if you have a three some with your best friends that things will really get weird. You have some choices to make, and no one can make them but you. Choose wisely ! Remember the Indania Jones movie......that guy choose poorly. Don't you be like him. Bi-sexual in considered normal in our society by some, and others condem it. Its a delicate line for you right now, walk the tight rope with care.....or you could take a hard fall.


I wish you well, and please make the right choices for your sake.







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Well, the kiss alone is not an indication that you are bi. First of all, when kissing someone it's an act of love and thereforeeee can bring out these sexual feelings anyway. There are other reasons too to why you felt aroused. You have probably never kissed a girl before so this was pretty new. Just the act might have given you a kick. You know, doing a "forbidden" thing, in front of people too.


But then you add your dreams, feelings and curiosity and willingness to experiment it does seem like you at least want to try something new. Just be open to what you feel is right. Listen to your heart. But before doing anything consider the consequences of your actions (consequences can be both good and bad)

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Wow this is a tuff one. I would say that you are definitely..uhhh bi curious and that you need to be careful. I already know that some non-religious people will shoot me down for this, but I stand up for what I believe in and I think that Men belong with Women and visa versa, If the man you are with is doing right by you and romancing you the way he should..you should have no need to go anywhere else..WOMAN OR MAN...


HOWEVER,..i'm not judging you and putting you down. I want to tell you to pray on this and ask that these feeling be removed from you. You dont' want to do this threesome thing, it can be a very dangerous road to distruction.

What if this boyfriend of yours likes it and you don't, and next thing you know he wants to do this sort of thing all the time. It just leaves you wide open to heart aches.

Next thing you know you'll be confused and wont know what you want. I don't hate Gay people or Bisexual people, but I feel that some of them are lost. Be careful because what feels good may not always be good. I don't where you stand as far as the bible and God and faith, but pray on this. If you do experiment and decide you like this, it may open up a can of worms you may not be prepared to deal with.

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I think that you are bi-curious not because it turned you on (that could happen anyway .. kissing is sensuous and sensual and arousing, even if we don't expect it to be), but because you have had thoughts about your friend sexually, you have fantasized about it ... those are bi-curious fantasies at the very least.


I would recommend caution, however, in this particular situation. If you try to inject a third party into your relationship with your bf, it's risky. There will be jealousies to deal with, there will be issues that come up as to favoritism, there will be, inevitably really, consequences for your relationship with your bf and your relationship with your best friend. It will change things and you won't be able to put them back to where they were before, either way. So before you proceed on that, you should consider the consequences of that path and whether you are willing to live with the idea that things will change and maybe in a rather unpredictable way once you start down that path.

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Thank you guys for responding. I didn't do anything else, and I think it all got a little too awkward to deal with straight after it happened. I wrote about it right after they both left the house her to have a cigarette him to go pick up my mom's car. I had some time to think and cool off my emotions and what not, and although I do believe I have bi sexual tendencies, I will stick to my boyfriend becuase I do love him with all my heart. I never wanted to get involved in a threesome I have told him no berfore, but the way I felt after that kiss I didn't think I would say no and so I'm very glad neither of them really brought it up, it was like a normal nite hanging out with extra kidding about kissing. Either way I think I will remain how I have always been and only venture into experimenting when and if the time is right (if I am not with my boyfriend anymore, or if we both decide on something down the line) Again I thank everyone for the advice, but now the question is. Should I even tell my boyfriend that I think I'm bi sexual?

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Well I'm late but I say you right now bicurious. But with a little more experience, it would be no surprise to find out that you are actually bisexual.


I say that you not tell your boyfriend. Unless you really want to be pestered about that threesome. Plus, you still aren't a 100% sure.


Judging from your post, it doesn't soundlike your BF would take you seriously. It seems he would see it as a way to have 2 women at once. He obvisoulsy does not see a girl/girl relationship as equal to a boy/girl one so wouldn't be threatned. If you feel the same way, then great, but if not, then be careful.

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