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Ex girlfriend keeping stuff of mine

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Ok I got a question for you all. What does it mean if an ex girlfriend of a year doesnt get rid of your stuff .. such as shirts, gifts, and emails. I noticed that she has kept a lot of stuff that was once mine .. but the thing i really dont understand is why she has still kept all my emails i sent her when we were going out .. I deleted all of mine. I should mention she broke up wiht me. Watcah guys think of this?

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I still have a book and a comic strip of my ex's. I also kept photographs and some clothes from a previous relationship. I don't know about emails, maybe she's harbouring feelings of regret or maybe she doesn't empty her inbox that much?

I wouldn't really look into the clothes/gifts side of things because I kept things like that too. It doesn't mean I have feelings for that person. I have a new wonderful and caring boyfriend and I would never do anything to hurt him. If he asked me to get rid of these things I would bin them.

Take my opinion as you will.

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Cant really say .. shes had a bad rep about stuff like this before.. She breaks up with guys i think not really knowign why . .and gets into new relationships right away. I was her longest relationship by far though .. 2 years. I honestly think shes got commitment phobia but cant tell you for sure why she broke up with me. Hse said her feeligns jsut changed we broke up a year ago though

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Sometimes people just like to keep things that were part of their life. Some do better burning it all, some like to store it away. Some keep stuff without even realizing it (I am sure I have many emails from an ex in a folder I had from when we were together in my email, I don't ever look at them or anything like that, I just don't bother with them either way, so don't delete them either).


I don't know, everyone is different, but really, it's just stuff.


What were you hoping it would mean?

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I have no reason for wondering excpet wondering . .I dont think i wanan get back with her if i had the cahcne . .cause i know deep down shes bad for me. I guess i sill ahve a bit of feeligns for her .. not too sure though. Just wodnering thats all. Seemed weird to em though that shed keep all my emails and shes gone out with 2 other guys and only kept 2 emails form them

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I have no reason for wondering excpet wondering . .I dont think i wanan get back with her if i had the cahcne . .cause i know deep down shes bad for me. I guess i sill ahve a bit of feeligns for her .. not too sure though. Just wodnering thats all. Seemed weird to em though that shed keep all my emails and shes gone out with 2 other guys and only kept 2 emails form them


Curious how you know exactly what she has kept or not?

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I forwarded a joke email to a bunch of people and realized i sent it to her as well and knowign her email passwrod form when we were together i went in and deleted it and saw a fodler called boys and curiosity got the better of me . .didnt read anythign just saw all my emails. Wouldnt invade her privacy like that .. even though technically i gues u could say i did

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I forwarded a joke email to a bunch of people and realized i sent it to her as well and knowign her email passwrod form when we were together i went in and deleted it and saw a fodler called boys and curiosity got the better of me . .didnt read anythign just saw all my emails. Wouldnt invade her privacy like that .. even though technically i gues u could say i did


AGH! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN....read them or not, you are right, it is an invasion of privacy to go into someone else's email without their knowledge/permission.

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I forwarded a joke email to a bunch of people and realized i sent it to her as well and knowign her email passwrod form when we were together i went in and deleted it and saw a fodler called boys and curiosity got the better of me . .didnt read anythign just saw all my emails. Wouldnt invade her privacy like that .. even though technically i gues u could say i did


AGH! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN....read them or not, you are right, it is an invasion of privacy to go into someone else's email without their knowledge/permission.


Isn't it illegal too?

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no .. maybe un ethical but theres no law .. I didnt hack into it she told me the password .. and didnt tell me to not go in it anymore thereforeeee under the law i still have permission


But enough ... this isnt the topic please stick to the topic

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no .. maybe un ethical but theres no law .. I didnt hack into it she told me the password .. and didnt tell me to not go in it anymore thereforeeee under the law i still have permission


But enough ... this isnt the topic please stick to the topic


LOL - It must have changed; I always thought ignorance was bliss. Apparently it's now, arrogance.

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